Elevate June 2021 | Air Serbia

Na letu

On board


I’VE NEVER BEEN AFRAID OF PLANES. I RECALL rides over big clouds below us. Of course, there is also comfort and speed, but I most appreci- ate that perspective from the heights. Viewing our planet from a distance is an indescribable feeling IVANA ZEČEVIĆ, ACTRESS Riding on clouds is wonderful

NIKADA SE NISAM PLAŠILA AVIO- NA. PAMTIM VOŽNJE PO velikim oblaci- ma ispod nas. Naravno, tu su udobnost i br- zina, ali se najviše divim toj perspektivi sa visine. Gledati našu planetu sa distance je ne- opisiv osećaj Divna je vožnja po oblacima


Minimum 100 grama čokolade uvek ponesem. Osim što je mnogo volim, dobro mi dođe kad polećemo i slećemo da mi se uši ne zapuše I always carry at least 100 gram of chocolate. Apart from the fact that I really love it, it also comes in handy for ensuring my ears don’t pop during takeoff and landing.


Dobra plej-lista je uvek sa mnom. Muzika mi mnogo znači, pogotovo na dužim putovanjima, kad imam vremena da se opustim i uživam I always have a good playlist with me. Music means a lot to me, especially on longer journeys when I have time to relax and enjoy myself.


Prazna sveska mi je uvek pri ruci. Volim da pišem o onome o čemu razmišljam, možda tako bolje razumem sebe, a i vrlo često misli uobličim u nekakvu malu priču ili crtež An empty notebook is always close at hand. I like to write down what I’m thinking about, and perhaps I better understand myself in that way, and I very often shape those thoughts into some kind of short story or sketch


Kvalitetna hemijska je bitna, jer volim da pišem i crtam A good quality pen is important, as I like to write and draw.


Bez knjige stvarno ne ulazim u avion, tada mogu lepo da se udubim i uživam u nekom dobrom štivu I really never board a plane without a book, as I am then able to nicely immerse myself and enjoy some good reading

Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović

Fotografije/Photography: Marija Dimitrijević, iStock

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