Elevate June 2021 | Air Serbia


Tri pitanja za...

Three questions for...

IVANA MILATA kapetana na erbasu A320

IVAN MILAT captain, Airbus A330

Koja je destinacija najlepša u junu? – Kada je reč o letnjoj sezoni, moj izbor je uvek Ja- dran, najčešće Dalmacija, a takođe preporuka bi bila i Sicilija. Italija generalno zadovoljava sva čula, a jun je

What's the most beautiful destination in June? "When it comes to the summer season, my choice is always the Adriatic, most often Dalmatia, and I would al- so recommend Sicily. Italy generally satisfies the needs of all the senses, and June

mesec za južnije kraje- ve, i zato Sicilija! Bogata je arhitekturom, kultu- rom, dok je kulinarstvo zaista čini nezaborav- nom destinacijom. Šta kažete ljudi- ma koji se plaše le- tenja? – Pre svega se po- trudim da razumem njihov strah, a zatim nastupam sa svojim du- gogodišnjim iskustvom. Maksimalno se potru- dim da im približim lete- nje na što jednostavniji način, koliko je to mogu- će, da im prosto posta- nu poznate procedure i da budu svesni da pi- lot uvek ima više opci- ja tokom leta te da je sa- mim tim letenje veoma bezbedno. O tome nam svedoči i statistika. Ta- kođe, načinom na ko- ji se ophodim prema se- bi, avionu i poslu gradim poverenje i poštovanje u svojoj okolini prema či- tavoj avijaciji. Ko je bolji, vi ili au- topilot?

is a month for the sout- hern regions, hence Sici- ly! It is rich in architecture and culture, while the cui- sine really makes it an un- forgettable destination." What do you say to pe- ople who fear flying? "I firstly try to under- stand their fear, and then I act with my many ye- ars of experience. I try as best I can to acqua- int them with flying in the simplest possible way, as much as that's possible, to simply familiarise them

with the procedures so they become aware that the pilot always has multi- ple options during a flight and that flying is therefo- re very safe. Statistics al- so testify to that. Likewise, with the way I approach myself, the plane and my work, I build trust and res- pect in my surroundings towards the entire aviati- on industry." Who's better, you or the autopilot? "All I'll say is that I can replace the autopilot one hundred per cent, but the autopilot can't really do the same for me... I rely more on my colleague in the right seat and the crew. However, when it's a gloomy day, after takeoff, when we head above the clouds, the au- topilot is my best friend, because that view at 10,000 metres, from my workplace, with the Sun, is somet- hing priceless."

Ja mogu da zamenim auto-pilota stoprocentno, a auto-pilot mene i ne baš I can replace the autopilot one hundred per cent, but the autopilot can't really do the same for me

– Samo ću reći da ja mogu da zamenim auto-pi- lota stoprocentno, a auto-pilot mene i ne baš... Više se uzdam u svog kolegu sa desnog sedišta i posadu. Međutim, kada je tmuran dan, nakon poletanja, kada odemo iznad oblaka, auto-pilot mi je najbolji prijatelj jer je taj pogled na 10.000 metara, na mom radnom mestu, uz sunce nešto neprocenjivo.

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