Jun June
4. JUN/JUNE 1976. Pank era je mogla da počne Čini se da milioni ljudi tvrde da su bili na Vudstoku, mada ih je bilo „tek“ 500.000 ili tako nekako, ali naj - veci pop-kulturni događaj šezdesetih ima ozbiljnu konkurenciju u jednom od najvažnijih događaja se- damdesetih – pojavljivanje Seks pistolsa , mesto – Le- ser fri trejd hol, Mančester, Engleska! Možda nijedan događaj u istoriji pop-muzike nije imao veci retroak- tivni rast publike od onog koji je nazvan Koncert koji je promenio svet . Era panka je mogla da počne! PUNK ERA BORN It seems as though millions claim to have attended Wo- odstock, despite only around 500,000 actually being there, but that biggest pop-culture event of the 1960s pales in comparison to the most pivotal of the 1970s: the Sex Pistols’ performance at the Lesser Free Trade Hall in Manchester, England. Proportional to the actu- al crowd in attendance, perhaps no event in the history of pop music has enjoyed greater retroactive audien- ce growth than the one that’s been called “The gig that changed the world.”The punk era was born!
10. JUN/JUNE 1752. Ben pušta zmaja
Bendžamin Fren- klin pušta zmaja to- kom grmljavine i sku- plja električni naboj, što mu omogucava da pokaže vezu izme- đu munje i električne energije. Frenklin se za električnu energiju zainteresovao sredi- nom četrdesetih go- dina 18. veka, kada se o toj temi još nije zna-
lo mnogo. Smislio je niz izraza koji se danas koriste, uključujuci bateriju, provodnike i električara. Takođe je izumeo i gromobran. BEN FLIES A KITE - Benjamin Franklin flew a kite during a thunderstorm and collected an electrical charge, thus enabling him to demonstrate the connection between lightning and electricity. Franklin became interested in electricity in the mid-1740s, during a time when this to- pic was still largely unknown. He coined a number of terms used today, including battery, conductor and electrician. He also invented the lightning rod.
16. JUN/JUNE 1859. Rođen je srpski slikar Paja Jovano- vić, predstavnik akademskog rea- lizma, član Srpske kraljevske aka- demije, srpski slikar koji je stekao evropsku reputaciju. / Serbian pa- inter Paja Jovanović was born. A re- presentative of academic realism and a member of the Serbian Royal Academy, he was a Serbian pain- ter who gained a reputation acro- ss Europe. 17. JUN/JUNE 1927. Osnivanje Aeroputa
6. JUN/JUNE 1944. Operacija Overlord
Osnovano je Društvo za vazdušni saobraćaj AD Aero- put , prvo jugoslovensko akcionarsko preduzeće za ci- vilni vazdušni saobraćaj, nastalo među prvim civilnim avio-prevoznicima, kao 10. kompanija u Evropi i 21. u svetu. AEROPUT ESTABLISHED - Air Transport Company AD Aeroput was established. As Yugoslavia‘s first jo- int-stock company for civil aviation, it was among the first commercial airlines to emerge, representing the 10 th such company in Europe and the 21 st worldwide.
Počela je najveca amfibijska vojna akcija u istoriji – Operacija Overlord , saveznička invazija na severnu Francusku, poznata kao Dan D. OPERATION OVERLORD The largest amphibious military operation in history, Operation Overlord marked the Allied invasion of nort- hern France with the Normandy Landings, commonly known as D-Day.
Tekst/Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije Photography: Profimedia.rs
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