Elevate June 2021 | Air Serbia


O ne of the most im- portant internation- al theatre festivals in Serbia, which nur- tures mostly domes- tic Serbian drama, will present it- self with a Competition Programme that includes 10 plays created dur- ing the pandemic. Sterijino Pozor- je is being held this year under the slogan “In spite of evil times!” and has a new selector - theatrologist and playwright Milivoj Mlađenović. The main programme consi- sts entirely of plays created under the new order, or the so-called “new normal”, which is in itse- lf an exceptional achievement, given that the pandemic is still not over and the development of the situation in June rema- ins unknown. Sterijino Pozorje was establi- shed as a permanent festival of national drama and theatre with a competitive character in 1956, under the scope of celebrations marking the 150 th anniversary of the birth and the 100 th anni- versary of the death of great Ser- bian playwright Jovan Sterija Po- pović. Defining the programme and status of the pozorje included

STERIJINO POZORJE / STERIJINO POZORJE Zlu vremenu uprkos In spite of evil times Sterijino Pozorje po 66. put će biti održano od 18. do 26. juna na sceni Srpskog narodnog pozorišta u Novom Sadu / The Sterijino Pozorje Festival will take place for the 66 th time from 18 th to 26 th June, on the stage of the Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad


S a 10 predstava nasta- lih u doba pandemije u takmičarskom progra- mu predstaviće se je- dan od najznačajnijih međunarodnih pozorišnih festi- vala u Srbiji, koji neguje pretež- no domaću srpsku dramu. Steriji- no pozorje se ove godine održava pod sloganom „Zlu vremenu, upr- kos!“ i ima novog selektora – tea- trologa i dramskog pisca Milivoja Mlađenovića. Glavni program čine sve pred- stave nastale u novom poretku ili takozvanoj novoj normalnosti, što je već samo po sebi izuzetan pod- vig, uzeći u obzir da se pandemi- ja i dalje ne završava, a sam ra- zvoj situacije u junu se još ne zna. Kao stalni festival nacionalne drame i pozorišta takmičarskog ka-

the participation of the most prominent persona- lities of the society, cultu- re and art of the time. The first Sterijno Pozorje Bo- ard even included Ivo An- drić, among others. The programme’s objectives were clearly articulated at that time: to improve theatrical art and stimu- late the development of dramatic literature thro- ugh a permanent festival of national drama. Although there’s cer- tainly never been as many uncertain situations in

raktera, Sterijino pozorje ustanov- ljeno je 1956. u okviru obeležava- nja 150. godišnjice rođenja i 100. godišnjice smrti velikog srpskog komediografa Jovana Sterije Po- povića. U definisanju programa i statusa Pozorja učestvovale su naj- istaknutije ličnosti tadašnjeg druš- tva, kulture i umetnosti. U prvom odboru Sterijinog pozorja bio je, među ostalima, i Ivo Andrić. Tada su jasno artikulisani programski ciljevi: kroz stalni festival nacio- nalne drame unaprediti pozoriš- nu umetnost i stimulisati razvoj dramske književnosti. Iako je izvesno da nikad nije bilo toliko neizvesnih situacija u istoriji Sterijinog pozorja kao što je to bio slučaj u ovoj sezoni, na ra- dost svih ljubitelja teatra festival će se u svom 66. izdanju ipak održati.

Ivo Andrić bio je jedan od osnivača Sterijinog pozorja Ivo Andrić was one of the founders of Sterijino pozorje

the history of Sterijino Pozorje as was the case during this sea- son, the 66 th edition of the fe- stival will, to the joy of all thea- tre lovers, nonetheless be held.

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