David Bowie - Hunky Dory Četvrti album Dejvida Bouvija bio je sve osim God-awful small affair . Dozvolio mu je da posegne u svoju ogro- mnu vrecu uticaja, nagoveštavajuci nemerljiv uspeh koji dolazi. Na raznim tačkama albuma sa 11 numera Bo- uvi odaje počast Endiju Vorholu, Bobu Dilanu, Luu Ridu, čak i svom novorođenom sinu. Ali Hunky Dory j e pre- teča Zigija Bouvija, žanrovski uskovitlan u popu, roku i folku, čak i poeziji izgovorenih reči koje naglašavaju njegovu živopisnu viziju. Bouvijeva različitost se ni jednog trenutka ne gubi dok teži zvezdama. Čak pola ve- ka kasnije, himne poput Changes i Life on Mars ? toliko su ultimativno ljudske, a i dalje zvuče kao da su vece od života.
DAVID BOWIE - HUNKY DORY Anything but a God-awful small affair, David Bowie’s fourth al- bum allowed him to reach into his grab bag of influences while hinting at the otherworldly exce- sses to come. He evokes Andy Warhol, Bob Dylan, Lou Reed and even his newborn son at various points on the 11-track album. But Hunky Dory is pre-Ziggy Bowie in his genre-swirling stride, har- nessing folk, pop and even spo- ken word poetry to flesh out his colourful vision. However, his sense of otherness is never lost while he strives for stardom — even half a century later, anthem tracks like Changes and Life on Mars? still sound larger than life and utterly human.
Bill Witers – Just as I Am Bil Viters je još radio u fabrici kada je Ain’t No Sunshine de- bitovao na top-listama, ali njegov prvi album ubrzo je omo- gucio svakom soul pevaču da napusti svakodnevni posao. U dokumentarnom filmu Still Bill iz 2009. godine Viters je ispričao kako je njegov nedostatak iskustva u muzičkoj in- dustriji doprineo neizbrisivim pesmama poput Grandma’s Hands i Ain’t No Sunshine , koje su ulazile u tekst bez instru- mentalnog uvoda. „Ako vam niko ne nameće svoja pravi- la, možda napravite pesmu bez uvoda, a umesto da stal- no pevate o romantičnoj ljubavi, vi pevate ljubavnu pesmu o svojoj baki.“ BILL WITERS – JUST AS I AM Bill Withers was famously still working at a factory when Ain’t No Sunshine hit the charts, but his debut album soon al- lowed the everyman soul singer to quit his day job. In the 2009 documentary Still Bill, Withers outlined how his lack of music industry experience contributed to indelible songs like Grandma’s Hands and Ain’t No Sunshine, which went straight to the chorus with no instrumental intro. “If nobody throws their rules at you, you might make a song with no in- troduction,” he said. “Instead of singing about romantic love all the time, you make a love song about your grandmother.”
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