Elevate June 2021 | Air Serbia

Razglednica /Postcard

PARIZ / PARIS Versaj ponovo radi


BEOGRAD / BELGRADE Izložba sireva i poslastica u Bašti

VERSAILLES REOPENS Just a 45-minute train journey from Paris, Versailles sparkles during June, when light streams through the palace’s many windows and reflects against ornate chandeliers and gilt-framed mirrors. You’ll also fall in love with the lush gardens and dazzling fountain shows. Versailles reopens to visitors from 6 th June, and there’s no better time to go, with the famous gardens sure to be in full bloom! A couple of things have changed: the number of visitors will be much smaller, to ensure appropriate distancing, and you must have an entrance ticket or tour purchased online prior to arriving for your visit. Na samo 45 minuta vožnje vozom od Pa- riza Versaj svetluca tokom juna dok sve- tlost struji kroz brojne prozore pala- te i odražava se na ukrašenim lusterima i ogledalima u zlatnim okvirima, a ništa manje lepi nisu bujni vrtovi i blistave fon- tane. Versaj se na opštu radost ponovo otvara za posetioce 6. juna, a to je ideal- no vreme za posetu jer će bašta biti u pu- nom cvatu. Nekoliko stvari se ipak pro- menilo: broj posetilaca bice mnogo manji da bi se obezbedilo odgovarajuce distan- ciranje, a morate imati unapred onlajn kupljenu kartu.

SCARLET SAILS The most popular highlight of the White Nights Festival is the annual event that‘s called Scarlet Sails in Russian. A spe- ctacular Palace Square show takes pla- ce from 26 th to 27 th June on the river Neva, with its climax represented by the appea- rance of a magnificent scarlet-draped sa- iling ship. Its solemn movement is accom- panied by a specially prepared light show, fireworks and water performances. The whole show is fully musically synchroni- sed. This waterborne performance has a duration of approximately 20 minutes. ja kulminira veličanstvenim jedrenjakom plamenocrvenih jedara. Njegova sveča- na plovidba upotpunjena je svetlosnim spektaklom, vatrometom i priredbama na vodi. Šou je u potpunosti sinhronizo- van sa muzikom, a neobični vodeni per- formans traje oko 20 minuta. Vrhunac Festivala belih noci je jedinstve- ni događaj Skarletna jedra . Od 26. do 27. juna na Dvorskom trgu odvija se spek- takularna predstava na reci Nevi ko-

EXHIBITION OF CHEESES AND DELICACIES AT THE GARDEN During the last weekend of June, the Belgrade Botanical Garden will host an open-air exhibition of cheeses and delicacies. Running from 10am to 6pm on 26 th and 27 th June, visitors will have an opportunity to see and taste the most beautiful cheeses produced in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina and France. There will also be handmade delicacies and sweets manufactured by small artisan producers. Entrance to the Botanical Garden remains unchanged for the event, at 300 dinars for adults. Botanička bašta u Beogradu biće posledj- neg vikenda ovog meseca domaćin izlož- be sireva i poslastica na otvorenom. Poslednjeg vikenda, 26. i 27. juna od 10 do 18 časova, posetioci će moći da vide i pro- baju najlepše sireve malih proizvođača iz Srbije, Crne Gore, Bosne i Hercegovine, Francuske. Biće izloženi i ručno rađeni za- natski slatkiši malih radionica. Cena ulazni- ce za Botaničku baštu ostaje nepromenje- na, 300 dinara za odrasle.

Tekst/Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije/Photography: iStock

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