Elevate June 2021 | Air Serbia


their support, and we look forward to continuing our cooperation,” said Minister Lončar. “It is our great pleasure to be able to express our gratitude to he- alth workers for their everyday dedi- cation to saving the lives and health of all citizens. Our goal is to enable them to travel to their desired desti- nation for a well-deserved holiday. We thank the Ministry of Health for their cooperation and support in the implementation of this important project,” said CEO Naysmith. sacrifice during the pandemic, have shown that they are the true heroes of our times Serbia’s health workers, with their work, commitment and

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia and Air Serbia have jointly launched a campaign to provide Air Serbia’s flight vouchers with a discount for 10,000 health workers employed in the COVID-19 system TIME FOR A BREAK

UNDER THE SLOGAN “TIME FOR A Break”, the cooperation agreement was signed by Health Minister Zlati- bor Lončar and Air Serbia CEO Dun- can Naysmith at a ceremony held at the Palace of Serbia, with represen- tatives of health institutions, doctors and nurses in attendance. The promotional vouchers pro- vide a 50% discount on the total pri- ce of Air Serbia flight tickets, inc- luding the fare and airport fees. Vouchers apply to direct regular fli- ghts to all destinations in the Ser- bian national airline’s network, ex- cept New York, and can be used for travel between 1 st July and 31 st De- cember 2021. “Serbia’s health workers, wi- th their work, commitment and sa- crifice during the pandemic, ha- ve shown that they are the true

heroes of our times. We are all in- debted to you for your untiring ca- re, day and night, for the more than 200,000 citizens who were hos- pitalised and whose lives you sa- ved. Therefore, the state will conti- nue to exert every effort to further improve the material position of he- alth workers, by continuously incre- asing their salaries and improving their working conditions, by building the most modern hospitals and cli- nical centres and by procuring the most modern medical equipment. But the Ministry of Health will also always support every initiative of so- cially responsible companies, su- ch as Air Serbia, which express the- ir gratitude to health workers with actions like this one, because they benefit health workers. That’s why we would like to thank Air Serbia for

Er Srbija povećava broj letova do Pariza i Osla Er Srbija će u junu do francuske pre- stonice leteti čak 11 puta nedeljno, vraćajući frekvenciju letenja gotovo na nivo pre pandemije i ostati i tokom narednog perioda jedini avio-pre- voznik koji povezuje Srbiju i širi regi- on sa Francuskom. Letovi ka Parizu će se obavljati svakog dana, a putnici će sredom, četvrtkom, petkom i nede- ljom na raspolaganju imati dva dnev- na leta. Dodavanjem još jednog leta ka Oslu, Er Srbija će od 20. juna tri puta ne- deljno saobraćati do glavnog aero- droma Gardermoen, koji je od centra norveške prestonice udaljen svega 49 kilometara.

AIR SERBIA INCREASES NUMBER OF FLIGHTS TO PARIS AND OSLO In June, Air Serbia will be operating as many as 11 flights a week to Paris, near- ly bringing the flight frequency back to the levels reached before the pandem- ic. The Serbian national airline will re- main the only airline that connects Ser- bia and the broader region to France and vice-versa in the coming period as

well. Flights to the French capital will be operated every day, while passengers will have two daily flights at their dispos- al on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays. By adding another flight to Oslo, starting from 20 th June, Air Ser- bia will be operating flights to the main Gardermoen Airport, located just 49 kilometres from the Norwegian capital, three times a week.

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