Elevate June 2021 | Air Serbia

Želim da zahvalim virtuozima Marku Tamaju, Davidu Martinezu i Rafaelu Agueru koji su mi pomogli i ispratili me na ovom koncertu / I would like to thank virtuosos Marco Tamayo, David Martinez and Rafael Aguirre, who helped me and accompanied me on this concert

“The idea was to revitalise Balkan themes, which I admire very much personally, into a new classic piece. Costas Cotsiolis, artistic director of the Guitar Art Festival, recommended that I use the theme of St. George’s Day for the second movement. I ultimate- ly utilised four Balkan themes that I intertwine with my world of sounds. I could say many things, but I’d prefer for them to be found through the music itself.” The symphony is entitled “Memories from Belgrade”. Did you take any souvenirs back with you? “Yes, the sadness I felt the first time I had to say goodbye to the city.” You are considered one of the world’s great- est guitarists of your generation. What makes you so special?

“I’m sorry, but you’re right! Just kidding. I think I’ve started to feel like I’m part of that universe we call music, but I don’t perceive it as part of my ego. I simply belong.” How did your love affair and life story with the guitar begin? “I chose the guitar because it is the instrument that feels closest to me. This is an instrument that accompanies us in every verse, yet doesn’t reveal everything about us.” Do you think Belgrade’s Guitar Art Festival has put our city on the world music map? - Of course! This festival represents the entire history of our instrument. And to conclude, will you come back to us? - As long as blood flows through my veins…

Belgrade » Beograd | 77

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