Sve počinje od neke zagonetke koja ima za cilj oživljavanje svetova, eko-sistema, života, stvorenja, bica, glasova koji su izumrli... Everything starts from some puzzle that’s aimed at reviving worlds, ecosystems, life, creatures, beings, voices that have been extinguished...
atra, 2015), and hearing her sing a love song from her era in all the languages she spoke, all of which are extinct dialects today. Again, the outcome in this specific case was a voice. What are your favourite art materials? - Synthetic voices. I feel I still have not explored enough in this field. I have been working for a long time with voice engi- neer Pierre Lanchantin, who was a researcher at the University of Cambridge and who now lives and works in Los Angeles. He is at the forefront of this field. I also recently started collaborat- ing with musician and voice creator Ash Koosha, who is based in London. I am really excited to explore the full potential of syn- thetic voices with them. I’m excited by the technology, but most importantly by what it means to create such voices. If you pair a synthetic voice with artificial intelligence, or a neural network, you get a disembodied voice. I am interested in the supernatu- ral, uncanny potential of synthetic voices. Why did you choose the work ‘Queen with Leopards’ to rep- resent you at Belgrade’s October Salon? Could you please say something more about this piece? -The slogan Marvellous Cacophony relates to sound, the“ca- cophony”created by the coexistence of multiple identities in the world. Through my work, I try to dig through this cacophony to find common denominators of our origins. The Venus present- ed here in Belgrade is called “Queen with Leopards”. It is based on an ancient depiction of Venus found in Turkey, which I found looks a lot like a manatee brain. Manatees are among the ani- mals with the most developed long-term memory abilities on Earth. The Queen with Leopards might be the Venus that has the greatest memory of the history of humankind. She perhaps holds this memory in her corpulent body. This Venus is extract- ed from the series of Venus from “Birth Canal”. Why was your presentation in Belgrade important to you? - I was excited to be part of the Salon in Belgrade. It was ex- citing to confront and put my own work in dialogue with such amazing artists and in such an interesting context too. I was al- so excited to discover more about the Belgrade art scene. Bel- grade is joyful madness! Why do you call yourself “Indiana Jones in Google times”? - I was given this moniker by a journalist a while ago and it now sticks to me! Each of my projects leads me into epic quests, researching evidence, excavating bones and researching the dis- tant past and mysterious worlds, very much as Indiana Jones does. I talk to experts, scientists, palaeontologists, archaeolo- gists, zoologists etc. all around the world. As opposed to Indi- ana Jones, almost all of my research happens through Google and Skype interviews. This is why I was called an Indiana Jones in Google Times.
Beograd je kao ludilo puno radosti. Zašto sebe nazivate Indijana Džons iz vremena Gugla? – Tako me je davno nazvao jedan novinar i nadimak mi se sam prilepio. Svaki od mojih projekata vodi me u epske potrage, u istraživanje dokaza, u iskopavanje kosti- ju i poniranje u daleku prošlost i misteriozne svetove, što je sve slično onom što čini Indijana. Samo što ja, za razli- ku od njega, skoro sva svoja istraživanja sprovodim preko Skajpa razgovarajući sa naučnicima, arheolozima, paleon- tolozima, zoolozima... Dakle, iskopavam Gugl alatima.
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