Elevate November 2018 | Air Serbia

Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up



TURA ZA TURISTIČKE AGENTE IZ SAD Predstavnici šest turističkih agencija iz SAD i Slovenije obišli su nedavno Sloveniju i presto- nicu Srbije. Oni su od SAD do Slovenije leteli Er Sr- bijom i u dolasku i povratku posetili Premijum salon na beogradskom aerodromu. Vreme provedeno u Beo- gradu iskoristili su za obilazak Kalemegdanske tvrđave, Skupštine Beograda i Knez Mihailove ulice u društvu Ni- kole Vukomanovića, višeg menadžera za korporativne poslove. Prema rečima Džordža Petkovića, regionalnog direktora za Severnu i Južnu Ameriku, već za proleće na- redne godine bukirano je više letova sa više od 80 turi- sta po letu koji će putovati Er Srbijom iz Njujorka, preko Beograda, do Ljubljane. TOUR FOR TRAVEL AGENTS FROM THE U.S. Representatives of six travel agencies from the United States and Slovenia, which have over 1,400 passengers on our overseas flights annually and which to date ha- ven’t flown with Air Serbia, recently visited Slovenia and the capital of Serbia. They travelled with Air Serbia from the U.S. to Slovenia, via Belgrade, spending time in our Premium Lounge at Belgrade’s Nikola Tesla Airport du- ring their return journey. They utiilised their time in the Serbian capital to visit Kalemegdan Fortress, the City As- sembly and the pedestrianised Knez Mihailova Street, ac- companied by Head of Corporate Affairs at Air Serbia, Ni- kola Vukomanović. York to Ljubljana via Belgrade. AIR SERBIA TEAM WINS BEST HSE PHOTO COMPETITION The Air Serbia HSE Team has won the competition for the best HSE photo that was organised by the Serbian Mi- nistry of Labour, Employment, Veterans’ and So- cial Affairs. Air Serbia won first place with a pho- to depicting one of the regular HSE observations while colleagues from Technics were working - “Health and safety measures during line main- tenance of the aircraft”. TIM ER SRBIJE POBEDIO NA KONKURSU ZA NAJBOLJU HSE FOTOGRAFIJU HSE Tim Er Srbije pobedio je na konkursu za najbolju HSE fotografiju Ministarstva za rad, zapošljavanje, boračka i socijalna pitanja. Er Srbija je prvo mesto osvojila fotogra- fijom jedne od redovnih HSE opservacija tokom radnih ak- tivnosti kolega iz Tehnike – Mere bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu tokom linijskog održavanja vazduhoplova.

Koja je najveća prednost pilotskog poziva i šta vam je sve posao doneo? − Svakako je najveća prednost poseta velikom broju destinacija ši- rom sveta. Radeći ovaj posao, u prilici smo da upoznamo druge kulture i nacije i osetimo deo njihovih običaja. Sećam se predivnog perioda ka- da su naši avioni bili iznajmljeni u Africi. Upoznao sam predivne ljude i video očaravajuće predele. Zato mislim da je kabina aviona kancelarija sa najlepšim pogledom. Sa kakvim ste se sve avanturama susretali tokom letova? − Bilo je svega i svačega. Sećam se pre nekoliko godina se na letu iz Larnake dogodila prosidba u avionu. Iznenadila me je buka iz kabine, pa sam pozvao stjuardese da vidim šta se dešava. Saznao sam da su to bile ovacije putnika kada su saznali za tu vest.

Često se dešava i da se u avionu ori pesma, kako navijača, tako i muzičara koji putuju sa nama. Kojojpistijeprilaznajteži,akojojnajlepši? − Prilazi pistama koje su na obali Ja- dranskog mora znaju da budu dosta nepri- jatni kad je vetrovito. U Tivtu, Dubrovniku i Splitu u kombinaciji sa lošim vremenom zbog terena oko aerodroma dolazi do tur- bulencije, koja je vrlo neprijatna. Većina prilaza u većim gradovima izgleda prilič- no lepo, ali bih lično izdvojio prilaz sa mora u Antaliji jer se tokom prilaza preleće ogro- mni vodopad koji je veoma blizu piste i izgle- da predivno.

What is the greatest advantage of being a professional pilot and what has your job brought you? - The greatest advantage is certainly visiting a large number of destinations around the world. By doing this job we are in a position to acquaint ourselves with other cultures and nations and to feel part of their customs. I remember a beauti- ful period when our planes were leased out in Africa. I met wonderful people and saw enchanting landscapes. That’s why I think the cockpit is the office with the most beautiful views. What kinds of adventures have you experienced during flights? - All sorts of stuff has happened. I remember a wedding proposal occurring on a flight from Larnaca a few years ago. I was surprised by a noise coming from the pas- senger cabin, so I called the stewardesses to find out what was happening. I learned that there’d been a standing ovation among the rest of the passengers when they heard the news. We often also hear music on the plane, both from sports fans and from musicians who travel with us. Which runway has the toughest approach, and which is the most beautiful? - Approaching the runways that are along the coast of the Adriatic Sea can be quite uncomfortable whenever it’s windy. In Tivat, Dubrovnik and Split, in combina- tion with bad weather and due to the orography of the terrain around the airports, turbulence can occur that is very unpleasant. Most of the approaches in the big- ger cities are quite pretty to look at, but I would personally single out the approach from the sea at Antalya, because during the approach you fly over a huge waterfall that’s very close to the runway and looks beautiful.

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