Podjednako su je voleli u svih šest republika i dve pokrajine bivše Jugoslavije She was equally loved in all six republics and two provinces of the former Yugoslavia
which she recorded with Miroslav Ilić, almost twice as many Romanians yelled the name of her homeland and its dream of a better life. At the end of the 1980s she was received in similar fashion by other neighbours from Bulgaria, when she arrived at Levski Stadi- um in Sofia by helicopter, sporting a black mini-dress, ran the length of the pitch and opened her concert with the lyrics“Little vil- lage green grove, beside the Morava Disco Club...”, prompting 80,000 entranced Bulgar- ians to sing “Mile loves disco”. No other singer from our region, either before or after her, held two concerts per day for ten years. None of them recorded three of their own films. “Let’s love each other” 1, 2, and 3 broke all ratings records. At the peak of her popularity, in 1991, Brena married celebrated tennis player Slo- bodan‘Boba’Živojinović.That same year, un- fortunately, war broke out and Brena’s coun- try – from the Vardar to the Triglav – ceased to exist. Brena withdrew from the scene, went to America, became a mother and a success- ful businesswoman, but she still ended up returning to her audience. This year she released her 20 th album, celebrated 35 years of her career, delighted the public with two more spectacles, this time at the Štark Arena where – just like at all of her concerts – the spirit of together- ness could be felt. That’s because it was nev- er important to her or those who love her where people come from, and Brena actu- ally says that in the lyrics of one of her latest tracks, when she asks “is it important that I sing (peva) or sing (pjeva)?”And that’s how that is still done by one of the most belov- ed Yugoslav ladies of all time.
ća. U istoj toj godini, nažalost, počeo je i rat i Brenina zemlja od Vardara pa do Triglava prestala je da postoji. Brena se povukla sa scene, u Ameri- ku, postala majka, uspešna poslovna žena, ali se ipak vratila svojoj publici. Ove godine objavila je 20. album, proslavila 35 godina karijere, publi- ku obradovala sa još dva spektakla, ovaj put u Štark areni , u kojoj se, baš kao i svaki put na njenom koncertu, osetio duh zajedništva. Niti je njoj, niti onima koji je vole ikada bilo važ- no odakle je ko, a tako kaže i Brena stihovima jedne od poslednjih nu- mera „... zar je važno da l’ se peva ili pjeva“. Tako to i dalje radi jedna od najvoljenijih Jugoslovenki svih vremena.
republika i dve pokrajine bivše Jugo- slavije, a u Mostaru joj je publika kli- cala – mi smo Brenini, Brena je naša. U njenom liku je, posle Tita, naj- snažnije otelotvorena ideja jugoslo- venstva i bezbrižnog života. Kada je, kružeći na kranu oko najviših ni- voa stadiona u Temišvaru, koji prima 30.000 ljudi, pevala stihove „Živela Jugoslavija“, koje je pevala s Miro- slavom Ilićem, gotovo dvaput više Rumuna uzvikivalo je ime njene do- movine i sna o boljem životu. Kra- jem osamdesetih slično su je doče- kale i druge komšije, Bugari, kad je na stadion Levski u Sofiji došla heli- kopterom, u crnoj mini haljini optrča- la teren i otvorila koncert stihovima „Malo selo, zelen lug, kraj Morave dis- ko klub“… Čak 80.000 Bugara u tran- su je pevalo Mile voli disko . Nijedna pevačica s naših prosto- ra ni pre ni posle nje nije deset go- dina držala po dva koncerta dnevno. Nijedna nije snimila tri svoja filma. Hajde da se volimo 1, 2 i 3 su obori- li sve rekorde gledanosti. Na vrhuncu popularnosti Brena se 1991. godine udala za proslavljenog tenisera Slobodana Bobu Živojinovi-
No other singer from our region, either before or after her, held two concerts per day for ten years Nijedna pevačica s naših prostora ni pre ni posle nje nije deset godina držala po dva koncerta dnevno
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