Elevate November 2018 | Air Serbia



Nova iskra zablistala je u samom centru Beograda kao prvi kreativni hab na Balkanu nastao sa idejom da poveže kre- ativne industrije, tehnologiju i ljude – kreativce i eksperte na poljima dizajna, arhitekture, IT-a, društvene teorije i prak- se. Osnovne tematske oblasti interesovanja Nove iskre pove- zane su sa konceptima buduć- nosti − Future Learning, Futu- re Living i Future Working. Na tom putu iza sebe već imaju niz uspešnih projekata, od različi- tih kreativnih radionica, preko zelene laboratorije i platforme za promociju pametnijeg živ- ljenja, do edukativnih progra- ma usmerenih na profesije bu- dućnosti.

Nova Iskra shone like a beacon in the very cen- tre of Belgrade as the first creative hub in the Bal- kans, created with the idea of connecting the cre- ative industries, technology and people – creators and experts in fields of design, architecture, IT, so- cial theory and practise. Nova Iskra’s basic themat- ic fields of interest relate to concepts of the future

- Future Learning, Future Living and Future Work- ing. They already have a number of successful pro- jects behind them on this path, from various cre- ative workshops, via “green laboratories” and platforms for the promotion of smarter living, to educational programmes focused on professions of the future.

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