Pariz Muzej istorije parfema
Francuska prestonica nedavno je postala bogatija za još jedan muzej. Reč je o zdanju posvećenom istoriji parfema, koji se pre 3.000 godina koristio u ritualima tokom sahrana, u srednjem veku za maskiranje neprijatnih mirisa, da bi danas predstavljao zadovoljstvo i luksuz. U muzeju su izloženi razni predmeti u kojima su se nekada držali parfemi, kao što su metalne posude ili boce sa jakim mirisnim sastojcima.
Er Srbija leti 14 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Pariz
Air Serbia flies 14 times a week from Belgrade to Paris
Paris Perfume history museum
The French capital was recently enriched with another museum. This institution is dedicated to the history of perfume, which was used as a ritual during burials 3,000 years ago, to cover up unpleasant odours during medieval times, only to today represent pleasure and luxury. Exhib- ited in this museum are various vessels that once held perfumes, such as metal containers or bottles with strongly fragrant ingredients.
Zagreb Soba za razbijanje
U Zagrebu je otvorena prva soba za razbijanje Smashit u kojoj posetioci mogu nakratko da izbace iz sebe nagomilani stres. U ovoj jedinstvenoj sobi moguće je čekićem, šipkom i bejzbol palicom razbiti printer, staklene i knauf ploče, i to bez griže savesti. Posetioci dobijaju zaštitnu opremu, a cena korišćenja sobe za razbijanje varira u zavisnosti od toga šta se razbija i koliko to traje. Da li će ova vrsta antistres terapije zaista pomoći ljudima, vreme će pokazati.
Er Srbija leti 11 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Zagreb
Air Serbia flies 11 times a week from Belgrade to Zagreb
Zagreb Rooms for smashing
The rst room for breaking the contents, “Smashit”, has opened in Zagreb, and in it visitors can, at least for a short time, free them- selves of their accumulated stress. In this unique room, it is possi- ble to use a hammer, metal pole or baseball to smash break a print- er, and glass and Knauf tiles, and to do so without feeling guilty. Visitors receive protective equipment, while the cost of using the Smashit room varies depending on what’s been broken and how long it took. Only time will tell whether this type of anti-stress thera- py will really help people.
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