KO JE PEŠIĆ Svetislav Kari Pešić jedan je od najtrofejnijih srp- skih i jugoslovenskih trenera. Od prve titule sa KK Bosna 1982, njegovi uspesi se nižu sve do danas. Trenirao je najbolje košarkaške timove Evrope, a sa Barselonom, Albom i Đironom osvojio titule u prestižnim evropskim takmičenjima. Sa selekcija- ma Jugoslavije osvojio je zlatna odličja u svim ka- tegorijama, od juniora do kadeta, od kojih je naj- svežije ono sa seniorskom reprezentacijom u Indijanapolisu 2002. Zaljubljenik je u fudbal i često ističe da je navijač Crvene zvezde, Bajerna i Bar- selone. U Nemačkoj je zbog uspeha sa reprezen- tacijom, koja je osvojila Evropsko prvenstvo 1993. godine, i klupskih medalja s Albom postao zasluž- ni građanin Berlina. WHO IS PEŠIĆ Svetislav Pešić, aka Kari, is one of the most success- ful Serbian and Yugoslav coaches in terms of tro- phies won. From his rst title with KK Bosna in 1982, his successes have accumulated to this day. He’s coached Europe’s best basketball teams, winning ti- tles in prestigious European competitions with Bar- celona, Alba Berlin and Girona. With the national team of Yugoslavia, he won gold medals in all cat- egories, from juniors to cadets, the most recent of which was the 2002 victory with the senior national team in Indianapolis. Alongside basketball, he is al- so a football enthusiast and often points out that he is a fan of Red Star, Bayern Munich and Barcelona. In Germany, thanks to his success with the national team that won the 1993 European Championships and club medals with Alba, he deservedly became an honorary citizen of Berlin.
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