Azija je dominantna u e-sport takmičenjima, pa se najčešće u finalu nalaze ekipe iz tog podneblja. Verovatno najkvalitetniji igrači dolaze iz Kine i Južne Koreje
Asia dominates in e-sports competitions, with teams from this region usually appearing in finals. The best players probably come from China and South Korea
NEW SPORTING REALITY Welcome to the world of e-sports, which differs from everything you know It was with the development of the internet and excellent computer components that video gaming became a global phenomenon, which has now far outgrown its original entertainment purposes. E-sport is definitely becoming an Olympic discipline, while now it is only a question of the year when that will be made official with medals T he date of 19 th October 1972 is used to mark the start of video gaming competition, as that was when competitions in the game Space War began at Stanford University. e most famous gamer to this day is probably Billy Mitchell, an American who was a major star in the 1970s and ‘80s for setting records on Pac-Man and Donkey Kong, which were played in gaming rooms. Players became more connect- ed in the 1990s, and since the year 2000 e-sports compe- titions have become global events that see tens of thou- sands of players competing… A great furore has emerged, however, over whether playing video games, or more specifically e-sports, should
skog komiteta i predstavnika e-sport organizacija, pa se očekuje da se već od 2024. ti sportovi uklju- če u olimpijski program. Te godine u Parizu, ipak, neće dobijati medalje, a to bi moglo da se promeni 2028. u Los Anđelesu. Prvi znak da e-sport posta- je deo olimpijske porodice imali smo u Pjongjangu, kada je na Zimskim OI 2016. pet e-sport igrača iz Južne Koreje učestvovalo u štafeti sa olimpijskom bakljom. Azija je zapravo dominantna u e-sport ta- kmičenjima, pa se najčešće u nalu nalaze ekipe iz tog podneblja. Verovatno najkvalitetniji igrači dola- ze iz Kine, a ogromnu konkurenciju imaju u svojoj
Tekst/Words: Miodrag Dimitrijević Fotografije/Photography:
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