Elevate December 2020 | Air Serbia



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Mistletoe of love and pudding containing treasure

Christmas in London begins with the open- ing of gifts and then din- ner, after which fami- lies watch the Queen’s speech on television. During the evening of Christmas day it is cus- tomary to serve Christ- mas pudding, which is known as a plum pud- ding (made from suet fat and flour, filled with various dried fruits) in which some “treasure” is hidden. The UK was the first

Adventsko putovanje u

Ljubavne imele i puding sa blagom

London otkriva čaroliju jednog od najlepših evropskih gradova, bogato okićene ulice i prodavnice, božićne koncerte i miris toplih vafli A trip to London during Advent reveals the magic of one of Europe’s most beautiful cities, richly decorated streets and shops, Christmas concerts and the aroma of warm waffles

Božić u Londonu započinje otvaranjem poklo - na, sledi ručak, nakon kog se putem televizije prati govor kraljevske porodice. Popodne se ide u posetu prijateljima i rodbini. Za vreme božić - ne večere običaj je posluživanje božićnog pu - dinga (tortice od prhkog testa punjene raznim suvim voćem u kojima se nalazi neko „blago“). Inače, Velika Britanija je bila prva država koja je kao božićni ukras počela da koristi imelu. Ven - čićima se ukrašavaju vrata i domovi, a svako ko se zatekne ispod venca mora biti poljubljen ili nekoga poljubiti. U Kovent gardenu sam De - da Mraz pali svetiljke, a na poznatom Trafal - gar skveru postavlja se predivna jelka i, narav - no, imela.

country to start using mistletoe as a Christ- mas decoration. Doors and homes are decorat- ed with wreaths, and any two people who find themselves under the mistletoe must kiss. The lights of Covent Garden are lit by Father Christ- mas himself, and the famous Trafalgar Square is adorned with a beautiful Christmas and, of course, mistletoe.

Zanimljiva su brojna klizališta na otvorenom, a spektakularno je božićno drvce na Trafalgar skveru / It is interesting that there are numerous outdoor ice-skating rinks, while the Christmas tree on Trafalgar Square is spectacular

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