VELIKO BEKSTVO Drama o ratnim zarobljenicima Džona Stardžisa iz 1963. u kojoj se pojav- ljuje neodoljivi Stiv Mekvin u jednoj od svojih najpoznatijih uloga progla- šena je za jedan od 10 najboljih filmova na Tarantinovoj listi. Centralna jur- njava za motociklom u filmu često se smatra jednom od najboljih akcionih scena ikada, a bila je inspiracija i za Tarantinove filmove. THE GREAT ESCAPE This 1963 POW drama directed by John Sturges and starring the irresi- stible Steve McQueen in one of his most iconic roles is ranked by Taran- tino as one of the 10 best films ever made. The film’s central motorcycle chase is often regarded as one of the best action scenes in cinemato- graphy and served as the inspiration for Tarantino’s own films.
Home cinema for long winter nights There’s probably no greater film fanatic than Quentin Tarantino, and his films serve to prove that this eccentric director knows what he’s talking about. Here’s a shortlist of films that you must watch if you believe Quentin BEST KNOWN AS THE CREATOR OF PULP FIC- TION, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill or Django Unchained, he is also one of the planet’s top fans of cinematog- raphy. This director never hides his love for the cine- ma and has discussed the films he loves the most on many occasions. Here we provide his selection of films that you simply must watch, if you haven’t already!
DOBAR, LOŠ, ZAO Malo je režisera koje Tarantino ceni vi- še od italijanskog filmadžije Serđa Leo- nea, gospodara špageti vesterna. Leo- neov Dobar, loš, zao proglašen je za najbolji špageti vestern koji je Taranti- no ikada video, a na spisku su i Bilo jed - nom na Divljem zapadu , Za šaku dolara i Za dolar više . THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY There are few directors who Taranti- no rates higher than Italian filmmaker Sergio Leone, the master of spaghetti westerns. Tarantino has proclaimed Le- one’s The Good, The Bad and The Ugly as the best spaghetti western he’s ev- er watched, while that list also includes Once Upon a Time in the West, A Fistful of Dollars and For a Few Dollars More.
BORILAČKI KLUB Film Dejvida Finčera uvršćen je na Tarantino- vu listu najboljih filmova objavljenih od 1992. do 2009, a Bred Pit, zvezda filma, postao je zapra- vo jedan od njegovih omiljenih glumaca. FIGHT CLUB This David Fincher film was included on Taranti- no’s list of the best films released between 1992 and 2009, with the film’s star, Brad Pitt, actually becoming one of Quentin’s favourite actors.
Tarantino je jedan od najboljih poznavalaca svetskog filma Tarantino is one of the top connoisseurs of world film
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