Stranica Srbija ima sve namenjena je pre svega onima koji do sada nisu posetili Srbiju ili su bili samo u prolazu kroz prestonicu, bez napuštanja Aerodroma Nikola Tesla
The webpage, entitled “Serbia has it all”, is primarily intended for people who have not yet visited Serbia or have only passed through the capital, without leaving Nikola Tesla Airport
Cilj nam je da ponudimo više od avio-karte i prevoza – nezaboravno iskustvo boravka u Srbiji Our goal is to offer more than just tickets and transportation – an unforgettable experience of visiting Serbia
accordance with the interests and preferences of pa- ssengers. Adventurous spirits will prefer the ‘Disco- ver’ section, which offers information about various si- tes, archaeological locations, digs and historical routes in Serbia. Fans of nature and gastronomy will certain- ly explore the ‘Organic’ section, which showcases loca- tions of wild and untouched nature that are rich in na- tural beauty and biodiversity. There are also plans to promote domestic organic food products, as well as ot- her contents on the topic of fruit, vegetables and wi- ne. For passengers who have only a little time until the- ir next flight from Belgrade, the airline has created the ‘Hot in the city’ section, where they can find recom- mendations for attractive locations for short tourist rou- tes that are located within 100km of the capital or are in the capital itself.
orities for us, so our goal is to offer them more than just tic- kets and transportation – a
comprehensive and unforgetta- ble experience of visiting Serbia. Together with our partner, the Tourism Organisation of Serbia, we will try to always
be up to date and to promote only tried and tested lo- cations. Serbia is rich in cultural and historic monu- ments and natural beauty, which should be made more accessible to everyone planning to visit, or just passing through without a plan,” said Jiri Marek, Air Serbia General Manager Commercial and Strategy. The page has three distinct sections, created in
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