Elevate December 2020 | Air Serbia

Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

Dragi putnici, Decembar 2020. godine

December 2020

Dear passengers,

WE ARE NEARING THE END OF A DIFFICULT AND CHALLENGING YEAR, with which we are parting in cir- cumstances significantly different to those at the be- ginning of the year. After record successes in 2019 and ex- cellent results achieved in January and February, the start of the year was very promising for us as a company. We summarised our successes and records, planned further expansion and new destinations. The results achieved we- re our foundation for optimistic expectations that we would continue in this direction in the future. Unfortunately, after a strong upward trend, something completely unexpected happened. The Coronavirus pandemic paralysed the whole world, and had the worst impact on those of us whose lifeblood is flight. Instead of expanding, our im- perative became - recovery. The entire aviation industry is going through a se- ries of challenges, facing a significantly reduced sco- pe of operations, and thus revenue too. Air Serbia, like all other companies, is suffering major consequences. We share the fate of our passengers and their fami- lies. Like all of you, like the rest of the world, we were for- ced to change our plans, adapt them or leave them for “better times”. And this is why we understand each ot- her – because we’re all in this together. The pandemic had shown how fragile all our plans really are. We lear- ned that circumstances are constantly liable to change, and that change is the only constant. Air Serbia is fighting as much as it can in dramati- cally changed circumstances. We were forced to redu- ce the scope of our operations due to travel restrictions. We are carefully monitoring all changes and adapting to them. We are working on rationalisation and more effi- cient organisation. We are doing our best to create re- venue and save resources. We are not avoiding difficult decisions, because they will ensure that things become easier over time; that we can move forward even when we’re afraid of what awaits us, because courage is not an absence of fear, but the ability to keep going despite it. We learned that some things are beyond our control, but that doesn‘t mean we need to surrender and passively allow circumstances to control us. If all of us do our best, we can together ensure that 2021 will truly be a better year. Enjoy your flight and have a good trip.

BLIŽI SE KRAJ TEŠKE I IZAZOVNE GODINE, koju ispra- ćamo u znatno drugačijim okolnostima od onih u ko- jima smo je dočekali. Posle rekordnih uspeha iz 2019. godine i uz odlične rezultate postignute u januaru i fe- bruaru ova godina je za nas kao kompaniju počela obe- ćavajuće. Sumirali smo uspehe i rekorde, planirali dalju ekspanziju i nove destinacije. Ostvareni rezultati bili su nam uporište za dalja optimistična očekivanja da ćemo u tom smeru i nastaviti. Nažalost, posle snažnog uzle- ta usledilo je nešto potpuno neočekivano. Korona virus je paralisao ceo svet i najteže pogodio upravo nas koji- ma je letenje u krvi. Umesto ekspanzije, imperativ nam je postao – oporavak. Celokupna avio-industrija prolazi kroz niz izazova, suočavajući se sa značajnim smanjenjem obima rada, samim tim i prihoda. Er Srbija , kao i druge kompanije, trpi velike

Ukoliko svako od nas uradi sve što može, zajedničkim snagama možemo učiniti da 2021. godina zaista bude bolja If all of us do our best, we can together make sure that 2021 will truly be a better year

posledice. Delimo sudbinu svih naših putnika i njihovih porodica. Kao i vi, kao i ostatak sveta, bili smo prinuđeni da planove promenimo, prilagodimo ili ostavimo za bolja vremena. I zato se razumemo – jer smo u ovome svi zajedno. Pandemija je pokazala koliko su svi naši planovi zapravo krhki. Naučili smo da su okolnosti konstantno podložne promeni i da je jedino promena konstantna. Er Srbija se bori koliko može u drastično iz- menjenom okruženju. Primorani smo na smanje- nje operacija usled ograničenja putovanja. Bud- no motrimo na sve promene i prilagođavamo im se. Radimo na racionalizaciji i efikasnijoj organi- zaciji. Dajemo sve od sebe da stvaramo prihode i štedimo resurse. Da ne bežimo od teških od- luka, jer će one dovesti do toga da nam vreme- nom bude lakše. Da idemo napred i kad se pla- šimo onog što nas čeka, jer hrabrost nije odsustvo straha, već sposobnost da se ide dalje uprkos njemu. Naučili smo da su neke stvari izvan naše kontrole,

ali to ne znači da treba da se predamo i pasivno prepustimo okolnostima. Ukoliko svako od nas uradi sve što može, zajedničkim snagama možemo učiniti da 2021. godina zaista bude bolja. Uživajte u letu i srećan put.



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