The Roling Stones , Ušće, 14. jul 2007. Mik Džeger se trudio preko svog ionako blistavog standarda, rifovi Kita Ričar- dsa ličili su na noževe koji lete kroz vazduh i, uopšte, grupa je svirala kao da ne postoji sutra. Bio je to grandiozan čas o poštenju i profesionalnoj etici, a ujed- no i dokaz – ko zna koji po redu – da najveći bend na svetu ne živi samo od muzike nego i za nju. Nauljeni kao početkom šezdesetih, puni energije, volje i inspiracije, The Rolling Stones su u Beogradu, pred očima nekoliko generaci- ja, naše najlepše snove pretvorili u javu, i to na način koji oduzima dah. THE ROLLING STONES, UŠĆE, 14 TH JULY 2007 Mick Jagger exerted effort above and beyond his already brilliant standard, Keith Richards’ riffs resembled knives flying through the air, and the band general- ly played as if there would be no tomorrow. It was a grandiose lesson in hones- ty and professional ethics, and at the same time proof - who knows for which umpteenth time - that the greatest band in the world doesn’t only live from mu- sic, but also for it. As slick as in the early ‘60s, full of energy, will and inspiration, the Rolling Stones in Belgrade, in front of the eyes of several generations, con- verted our most beautiful dreams into reality, and did so in a breathtaking way.
FROM MY PERSPECTIVE: IVAN IVAČKOVIĆ, WRITER AND MUSIC CRITIC Belgrade concerts that I won’t forget Five best concerts I’ve seen in
Belgrade? I first thought that I should dig through the archive where I keep all the tickets and passes for the concerts I’ve attended. However, I realised just a moment later that this would be unnecessary excessive effort.
Leonard Koen, Arena, 2. septembar 2009. Što da krijem: ganut do suza, upijao sam svaki ton koji je sti- zao sa bine. Bio je to jedan od onih koncerata koji pro-
That’s because memory alone will always make the best selection of that kind. What you remember first is – obviously – what you consider as the best, dearest or, at least for you, most important. So that archive only subsequently served me to confirm exact dates, and the first concerts I remembered (I limited myself to rock concerts) were the following:
mene čoveka, učine ga boljim, mudrijim. Na ne- ki način mu i odrede život – ili tako što mu otvore nova vrata ili tako što ga ohrabre da nastavi sta- zom kojom je već krenuo. I nisam, zaista, očeki- vao da Koen, pored svega ostalog, bude toliko zabavan, da na njegovom koncertu bude toliko smeha. Kao i svaki drugi čovek od stila, šalio se uglavnom na sopstveni račun. LEONARD COHEN, ARENA, 2 ND SEPTEMBER 2009 Why would I hide: I was moved to tears, ab- sorbing every tone that came from the stage. It was one of those concerts that changes a man, making him better, wiser. In a
way they also determine his life - either by opening a new door or encouraging him to continue on the path he has al- ready taken. And I didn’t really expect Cohen, among oth- er things, to be so much fun, for there to be so much laugh- ter at his concert. Like every other man of style, he mostly made jokes at his own expense.
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