KO JE IVAN? Ivan Ivačković je za više od tri decenije, koliko je proveo u novinarstvu, objavio oko 2.000 tekstova u gotovo svim važnim novinama u bivšoj Jugoslaviji i Srbiji. Autor je bestselera Kako smo propevali , za koji je dobio nagradu Desimir Tošić , zatim zbirke eseja Pisma iz Tajnog grada , biografskih knjiga Umetnost pobune , Obe strane jastuka i Priznanja pop pevačice , kao i pesničke zbirke Crvena mapa i romana Bezverje . Njegova najnovija knjiga, nazvana Između krajnosti , vodi čitaoca kroz muziku i svet legendarne grupe Azra . Kultnu knjigu Umetnost pobune – The Rolling Stones , proglašenu svojevrsnom rok biblijom, Laguna je objavila u novom, proširenom i dopunjenom izdanju.
Who is Ivan? During the more than three decades that’s he spent working in journalism, Ivan Ivačković has published around two thousand articles in almost all im- portant newspapers in the former Yu- goslavia and Serbia. He is the author of the bestseller How We Sang, which brought him the Desimir Tošić Award, then the collection of essays Letters From The Secret City, the biographical books The Art of Rebellion, Both Sides of The Pillow and Confessions of a Pop Singer, as well as the poetry collection Red Map and the novel Faithlessness. His latest book, Between Extremes, le- ads the reader through the music and the world of the legendary group Azra. The cult book “The Art of Rebellion – The Rolling Stones“, which has been proclaimed “a specific rock bible”, has been published by Laguna in a new expanded and supplemented edition.
Dire Straits , Hala Pionir, 10. i 11. maj 1985.
U naponu ljudske i umetničke energije Dire Stra - its – tog trenutka valjda najveća grupa na planeti – počastili su nas sa dva nezaboravna koncerta. Sjaj te dve večeri ne bledi do današnjih dana. Nepre- stano smo se ježili uz suptilnu liriku i istu takvu gi- taru Marka Noflera. I on i ostali svirali su nadahnu- to i u velikoj formi. Zvuk je bio čist kao suza, a svetla elegantna do savršenstva. Bajkovita uspomena. DIRE STRAITS, PIONIR HALL, 10 TH & 11 TH MAY 1985 In the voltage of human and artistic energy, Dire Straits – probably the top group on the planet at that moment – treated us to two unforgettable con- certs. The gloss of those two evenings hasn’t faded to this day. We were constantly given goosebumps by the subtle lyrics and guitar playing prowess of Mark Knopfler. Both he and the others played with inspiration and were in great form. The sound was as clear as a tear, and the lighting was elegance personified. A fairytale memory.
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