Elevate December 2020 | Air Serbia




NOKIA 5.3 Initially planned to be presented within the latest instalment of the James Bond franchise “No Time to Die”, the Nokia 5.3 mobile phone marks a genuine return to the golden era of this tech brand. Under the slogan “The only gadget you’ll ever need”, the Nokia 5.3 introduces a versatile quad camera with powerful artificial intelligence- enabled photography features that provide creative tools for shooting fantastic photos.

NOKIA 5.3 Inicijalno planiran za

predstavljanje u novom nastavku filmske sage o Džejmsu Bondu Nije vreme za umiranje , mobilni telefon nokia 5.3 je pravi kambek u zlatnu eru tog brenda. Pod sloganom Jedini gedget koji vam je potreban , nokia 5.3 predstavlja svestranu četvorostruku kameru čije moćne funkcije

fotografisanja podržane veštačkom inteligencijom pružaju kreativne alate za snimanje fantastičnih fotografija.



Accomplishments of creative technologies

Dostignuća kreativne tehnologije Predstavljamo haj-tek adute stvorene podjednako za one koji obožavaju statusne simbole i one koji veruju da je lepota u oku posmatrača LG SIGNATURE OLED R SKLOPIVI 4K TV Baš kao u nekom futurističkom filmu, ovaj televizor se, kad nije u upotrebi, sklapa u sopstvenu aluminijumsku bazu. Za ovakvo čudo tehnike potrebni su sjajno poznavanje zanata i besprekoran tehnološki know-how , a rezultat je to da će svaki od ovih televizora biti sklapan ručno, po narudžbini. Sklopljen, TV izgleda kao modernistička skulptura uokvirena vrhunskim zvučnicima tako da zauzima centralno mesto u enterijeru. LG SIGNATURE OLED R ROLLABLE 4K TV Just like something out of a scene from a futuristic film, this TV is folded away into its own aluminium base when not in use. This marvel of technology requires painstaking knowledge of craft and impeccable technological know-how, which has resulted in each of these TVs being assembled by hand to order. The assembled TV looks like a modernist sculpture framed by high-end speakers - ensuring it occupies a central place in interiors.

Here we present high-tech aces that have been created equally for those who adore status symbols and those who believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder


Tekst/Words: Ivan Radojčić

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