Reč dobrodošlice
Welcome message
Dragi putnici, Decembar 2021. godine
December 2021
Dear Passengers,
POČINJE MAGIČNO DOBA GODINE, KADA SE U VAZDUHU osećaju euforija i nestrpljenje da se hrabro započne novo i uzbudljivo poglavlje. To je vre- me kada se čini da je sve moguće i da će nam odbroja- vanje do sklapanja kazaljki u ponoć 31. decembra do- neti ispunjenje svih želja. Mi u Er Srbiji više verujemo u planove, strategiju i dobro promišljene korake na putu do cilja. Godina koju ispraćamo bila je specifična – posledice pandemi- je i dalje se osećaju na globalnom nivou, ograničenja u putovanjima još su prisutna, a planiranje je oteža- no jer je sve lako podložno promenama. Ipak, može- mo reći da je ova godina za nas bila bolja od prethod- ne. Samo u prva tri kvartala 2021. prevezli smo za 40 odsto više putnika nego tokom cele 2020. godine. Na- porno smo radili, brzo se prilagođavali promenljivoj situaciji i pratili potrebe putnika, pa ni napredak ni- je izostao – u gotovo svim segmentima ostvarili smo bolje rezultate od industrijskog proseka. Postavili smo čvrste temelje i verujemo da će 2022. godina biti još bolja. Nastavljamo da prilagođavamo mre- žu, radimo na digitalizaciji poslovanja i unapređe- nju korisničkog iskustva. Najlepši mogući način za ispraćaj stare i ulazak u novu godinu, ujedno i najbolji praznični poklon dra- gim ljudima, predstavljaju upravo putovanja. Ne ka- že se bez razloga da je „putovanje jedina stvar koju kupujete a da vas čini bogatijim“. Imajući to u vidu, pripremili smo za vas specijalnu zimsku ponudu kako biste kraj ove i početak naredne godine proslavili na nekim od najpopularnijih destinacija iz naše mreže. Doček Nove godine ispred Brandenburške kapi- je uz tradicionalnu krofnu sa džemom u Berlinu ili uz vatromet na trgovima u Diseldorfu i Štutgartu; mediteranski doček u duhu Barselone – veseo i bu- čan; bajkoviti doček u nordijskim zemljama – Oslo, Kopenhagen i Stokholm bliži su vam nego ikada uz našu zimsku ponudu. Tokom novogodišnjih prazni- ka pojačali smo i frekvenciju letenja do gradova u re- gionu koji su tradicionalno veoma popularni u ovom periodu, kao što su Zagreb i Ljubljana. Izbor je na va- ma, a mi smo tu da se pobrinemo da uživate u sva- kom trenutku putovanja do željene destinacije i u povratku kući. To je ujedno i ono što vam želimo u 2022. godi- ni – da što više putujete sa nama, kao i da se uvek sa osmehom vraćate najdražoj destinaciji na plane- ti – svom domu.
THE MAGICAL TIME OF THE YEAR HAS BEGUN; the time when you can feel euphoria in the air and an ea- gerness to boldly open a new and exciting chapter. This is the time of year when everything seems possible and it is as if the countdown to the meeting of the hands of the clock at midnight on 31 st December will make all our wishes come true. At Air Serbia, we place more trust in plans, strategies and well-conceived steps on the path to achieving a goal. The year behind us was very specific – the consequences of the pandemic can still be felt globally, travel restrictions are still around and it remains more difficult to make plans, with the possibility that everything could easily change in an instant. However, we can say that, for us, this year was better than the last one. In the first three quarters of 2021 alone, we carried 40 per cent more passengers than we did during the whole of 2020. We worked hard, adapting quick- ly to the shifting situation, and kept pace with the needs of passengers. This ensured that progress was not lack- ing and that we achieved better results than the indus- try average in almost all segments. We have laid strong foundations to support the belief that 2022 will be even better. And we are continuing to adapt our network, dig- italise our operations and improve the user experience. The best possible way to see out the old year and wel- come the new one, but also the best holiday gift for your loved ones, is travel. It isn’t without good reason that we say “travel is the only thing you buy that makes you rich- er”. With that in mind, we have prepared a special win- ter offer for you to celebrate the end of this year, and the start of the next one, at some of our network’s most pop- ular destinations. Celebrating the New Year in front of Berlin’s Branden- burg Gate, with a traditional jelly doughnut, or with fire- works on the squares of Düsseldorf or Stuttgart; a Medi- terranean party in the spirit of Barcelona – joyous and loud; a fairy-tale New Year’s Eve in one of the great Nordic cit- ies – Oslo, Copenhagen or Stockholm. These options are all closer than ever before thanks to our winter offer. We’ve also increased the frequency of our flights during the hol- iday season to the cities of the region that are traditional- ly very popular in this period, such as Zagreb and Ljublja- na. The choice is yours, and we’re here to ensure that you enjoy every moment of the journey to and from your de- sired destination. And that’s also what we wish for you in 2022: to travel with us as much as you can, and to always return to your fa- vourite destination on the planet – your home – with a smile.
Duncan Naysmith CEO Air Serbia
Enjoy the flight and have a good trip,
Uživajte u letu i srećan put.
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