Skandinavske pahuljice
SCANDINAVIAN FLAKES Stars, snowflakes and flowers, especially white ones, are always associated with Scandinavian Christmas decorations. They can be hung on windows, while their lightness makes them easy to hang from ceilings and you can also place them on a table as a central decoration… Easy to make, all that’s required is a little imagination and patience. And creating them is ideal entertainment for evenings spent with the family. Paper allows light to pass through, which is why they always seems slightly magical. And you won’t be mistaken regardless of the shape you choose. However, Instagram is this year replete with pictures from Scandinavian bloggers who emphasise the so- called “snöblomma” snowflower. It is made from multiple layers of paper that are folded like a fan to create a three-dimensional effect. It looks the most elegant when coloured white or light cream, but of course it will look no less festive in some other colours, like gold, red or silver. If you choose white, the Scandinavians have revealed a trick to us – baking paper is the ideal choice for making these flowers, as it bends easily, has the ideal colour and appears simultaneously warm and elegant. If you’re not sure how to make it, check out Instagram, which is packed with tutorials for making these snowflowers. If you manage to make it well, we’re pretty sure that it will remain as a permanent decoration on your wall or window.
Zvezde, pahulje i cveće, pogo- tovo kada su beli, uvek asocira- ju na skandinavski božićni de- kor. Mogu da vise na prozorima, lagani su, pa ih je lako zakači- ti za plafon, možete da ih posta- vite kao centralnu dekoraciju na sto… Lako ih je napraviti, potreb- no je samo malo mašte i strplje- nja. Idealna zabava za večeri sa porodicom. Papir propušta sve- tlost, pa uvek deluje pomalo ma- gično. Za koji god oblik da se od- lučite, nećete pogrešiti. Ipak, Instagram je ove godine prepun slika skandinavskih blo- gerki koje su akcenat stavile na snežni cvet tzv. snoblomma . Na- pravljen je od nekoliko slojeva papira presavijenog poput lepe- ze, pa dobijate i trodimenzional- ni efekat. Najelegantniji su beli ili svetlokrem, naravno ni sa ne- kom bojom poput zlatne, crve- ne ili srebrne neće delovati ma- nje svečano. Ako se odlučite za beli, Skandinavke su nam otkrile jedan trik – papir za pečenje ide- alan je za pravljenje ovih cveto- va, lako se savija, idealne je bo- je, a deluje toplo i elegantno u isto vreme. Ako niste sigurni kako da ga na- pravite, zavirite na Instagram, prepun je tutorijala za izradu snežnog cveta. Ako vam uspe da ga lepo napravite, skoro da smo sigurni da će ostati kao traj- na dekoracija na zidu ili prozoru.
Kako u modi, tako je i u dizajnu ručni rad ponovo na ceni Just as is the case in fashion, handicraft is again also highly prized when it comes to design
Tekst/Words: Sofija Kuzmanović Fotografije/Photography:, Depositphotos
al and arrange in order mini care packages, fizzy bath bombs, hair and facial masks, and makeup. Compile a list of affirmations, quotes or excerpts from your fa- vourite books, a list of songs for every evening, techno gadgets etc. Sweets are always a safe option, as are chil- dren’s toys. You can also make instructions with mate- rials for creating origami figurines, wool for knitting in different colours etc. When you work out what you’ll do, all that’s left is to devise the way you’ll create a calendar, which is the top trend this year. So, instead of making a classic advent cal- endar, play around a bit, say by sewing pockets to a piece of canvas or hanging paper bags on a stand. A large bowl with little boxes or envelopes will also look phenome- nal. Of course, be sure not to forget to mark the dates.
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