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Tako da jeste, bio je to i kre-
ativan period - seća se Gile.
Ipak, ne dopada mu se kako se
na saundtreku tog vremena izdvojila pesma Igra roken- rol cela Jugoslavija, svojevrsna himna svih jugonostalgi- čara. – Pesma Igra ro-
-Thatwasasadtime,becauseitwasthe start of the civil war, the breakup ofYugosla- via and very dramatic events that impacted on all of us, while on the other hand we still had some strength, we were in our thirties and had creative power. That was the time of the“Crnog bombardera”(Black Bombar- dier), and the time during which we later formed Rimtutituki [supergroup featuring members of Ekatarina Velika, Električni Or- gazam and Partibrejkers]. As such, that was also a creative period – recalls Gile. Nevertheless, he doesn’t like the fact that the soundtrack of that time singles out the song“Igra rokenrol cela Jugoslavija”[Play Rock’n’Roll All ofYugoslavia], as a kind of an- them of all Yugo-nostalgic people. -The song“Igra rokenrol cela Jugoslavi- ja”was released in the‘90s. I wasn’t particu- larly delighted when some political options that weren’t really very close to me misused this song, but that was totally beyond my in- fluence; I couldn’t ban it from being played. However, I don’t experience it in that way and we have performed it throughout this time at concerts across the entire region, as just one of the significant songs of Elek- trični orgazam... Late April saw the band embark on its latest tour, which will include performances in Canada and the U.S., and afterwards the list of significant songs could be extended. Gile is also announcing a new album to be recorded thisspring,entitled“Gdesmosad?”(WhereAre We Now?). And when it comes to this band, this question answers itself - Orgazam is ex- actly where it should, still on stage, in front of a bunch of new kids in the front rows, and with the support of rock’n’roll veterans.
kenrol cela Jugosla- vija se izlizala de- vedesetih godina. Nisam bio presre- ćan, naročito kad su neke političke opci- je koje nisu baš meni bliske zloupotreblja- vale tu pesmu, ali to je bilo totalno mimo mog uticaja, ja ne mo- gu da zabranim da je puštaju. Međutim, ja je ne doživljavam na taj način i mi je svi- ramo sve ovo vreme na koncertima po ce- lom regionu kao sa- mo jednu od značaj- nih pesama Električnog orgazma... Bend je krenuo na turneju u sklo- pu koje će svirati po Kanadi i SAD, a nakon toga bi lista značajnih pe- sama mogla da bude proširena. Gi- le za ovo proleće najavljuje i novi al- bum, koji će se zvati Gde smo sad? . I odgovor na pitanje se sam nameće – Orgazam je baš tamo gde bi treba- lo, i dalje na koncertnoj sceni, pred gomilom nekih novih klinaca u pr- vim redovima, a uz podršku roken- rol veterana.
Pesma Igra rokenrol cela Jugoslavija se izlizala devedesetih godina The song “Igra rokenrol cela Jugoslavija” was “played to death” in the ‘90s
When it comes to the 1990s, it was then that Orgazam lost Goran Čavajda, aka Čavke, the band’s drummer and a “good soul” of the Belgrade rock’n’roll scene, as his contem- poraries remember him. Električni orgazam continues to honour his memory at every concert by changing the lyrics of the song from “As the drum says” to “As Čavke says”. During those years, Gile says, the band came close to breaking up, but“as always, some- thing positive would happen that would pro- vide a new injection of enthusiasm for the band members”.
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