1. Možete li da uporedite uprav- ljanje avionom sa vožnjom auto- mobila? Kakav je u stvari osećaj biti na zemlji i biti u vazduhu? – Ako prenesete mrežu ze- ŽIVKO LUKIĆ 3
Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up
Rusija posetila Srbiju / Russia visit Serbia
U organizaciji Turističke organizacije Srbije i Er Srbije gosti iz Rusije su u aprilu imali priliku da se upoznaju sa turističkom ponudom Beograda, Aranđelovca, Topole, Oplenca, Žiče i Ko- paonika. Predstavnici medija i tur-operatora upoznali su se uslugom avio-kompanije tokom leta Moskva–Beograd i dobi- li sve informacije o novom konceptu tarifa od Karine Adoba- sjan, predstavnice Er Srbije u Moskvi. In April guests from Russia had the opportunity to get to know the tourist offers of Belgrade, Aranđelovac, Topola, Oplenac, Ko- paonik and Žiča Monastery. Guests from Russia had a chance to experience Air Serbia’s inflight service on the Moscow-Belgrade route and get all information about new branded fares from Ka- rina Adobasjan, Air Serbia representative in Moscow.
maljskih puteva na visinu od 12.000 metara, videćete da i ne- ma neke velike razlike u pore- đenju sa našim vazdušnim pute- vima. Kad polećete, to je odlazak iz grada, gde su velike gužve i gde vam treba maksimalna koncentra- cija, i to se u avijaciji zove terminalna zona. Onda izađete na auto-put, a u vazdu-
hu je to vazdušni put, i tako sve do ulaska u terminalnu zonu gra- da, kuda ste i krenuli. Biti u vazduhu znači biti ptica i što je znanje veće, to je i osećaj slobode veći. Ali čelična ptica mora da sleti i tu se završava jedinstveni osećaj letenja i povratak u našu prirodnu sredinu, majci Zemlji. 2. Koje osobine krase dobrog pilota? – Kad smo došli u pilotsku akademiju, direktor nam je rekao: „Od ovog trenutka postajete ambasadori svoje zemlje. Zato učite, radite na sebi i poštujte profesiju iznad svega, kao i svoje koleginice i ko- lege i sve one koji vas okružuju na bilo kom aerodromu sveta. Tako ćete svoju zemlju predstaviti u najboljem svetlu.“ Mislim da ove re- či dovoljno govore. Dobar pilot jednako dobar čovek. 3. Zahvaljujući poslu koji radite, obišli ste skoro ceo svet. Koje mesto vas je najviše očaralo? – Definitivno Katmandu, kraj sveta. To je grad koji daje jedinstven osećaj kao nijedan drugi na planeti, počevši od svile u hiljadu boja i vrsta, do mesinga, kože, ćilima, ljudi i hramova koji oduzimaju dah. 1. Can you compare the handling of an aeroplane with driving a car? How does the feeling of being on the ground compare to being in the air? - If you transferred the ground-based road network to a height of 12,000 metres, you’d see that there isn’t much difference compared to our aviation routes. When you take off, that’s like exiting a city where there is great congestion and where you need maximum concentration, and in aviation that’s referred to as the terminal zone. You then head onto the highway, and in aviation that’s an air track, and that’s where you stay until entering the terminal zone of a city, which was where you started. Being in the air means being like a bird, and the greater the knowledge, the greater the feel- ing of freedom. But a steel bird must land, and with it ends the unique sensation of flying and a return to our natural environment of Mother Earth. 2. Which characteristics does a good pilot possess? -When we arrived at the pilot academy, the director said to us:“From this moment on, you become ambassadors of your country. So, learn, work on yourself and respect the profession above all, as well as your colleagues and all those who are around you at any airport in the world. In that way you will present your country in the best light”. I think these words say enough. A good pilot is an equally good person. 3. Thanks to the job you do, you’ve managed to tour almost the entire world. Which place thrilled you the most? - Definitely Kathmandu, the end of the world. That’s a city that provides a unique feeling like no other on the planet, starting with silk in a thousand colours and types, cop- per and zinc alloys, leather, rugs, people and temples that leave one feeling breathless.
Prva noćna trka na aerodromu / First night race at the airport Aerodrom Nikola Tesla biće domaćin prve noćne trke. U sa- radnji sa gradom Beogradom i Beogradskim maratonom, manifestacija Beograd je na pisti biće održana 3. juna. Svi zainteresovani imaće priliku da u 1.30 ujutru pokažu svoju spremnost u trci od pet kilometara. Raša Ristivojević, izvršni direktor aerodroma, podsetio je da beogradski aerodrom do- sta ulaže u kulturu i sport i najavio je da će se i njihov trkački tim takmičiti za medalju. Airport Nikola Tesla will host the first night race. In coopera- tion with the City of Belgrade and the Belgrade Marathon, the manifestation “Belgrade on the runway” will be held on 3 rd June 2018. All those interested will have the opportu- nity to show their readiness in a five-kilometre race at 1:30 am. Executive Director of Airport Nikola Tesla, Raša Ristivo- jević, notes that this company invests heavily in culture and sports, emphasising that its own racing team will also com- pete for the medal.
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