Elevate May 2018 | Air Serbia

Rut Bekerman gošća je festivala i jedan od najvažnijih dokumentarista današnjice

The official guest of the festival, and one of the most important contemporary documentary filmmakers, is Ruth Beckermann


This year’s 11 th edition of the Belgrade In- ternational Documentary Film Festival, Beldocs, to be held from 7 th -14 th May, wi- ll present 98 films to the local audience in 14 programmes, at 10 cinemas, with more than 100 official guests. The Beldocs International Competition Programme is characterised by diversi- ty in terms of topics and stylistic approac- hes, as well as a perfect balance between great, proven authors (Agnes Varda, Abel Ferrara, Claude Lanzmann) and talented young newcomers. Nine films will partici- pate in the Serbian Competition Program- me, which will include five world premiere screenings, as well as the domestic pre- miere of the film‘4 years in 10 minutes’ (Mladen Kovačević). The programme at the old Cinematheque is divided into three selections: Front page (current political and sociological topics); Planet Earth (films connected to nature and anthropology); and Fireworks (films about unusual or incredible people and events). Guests for the retrospective pro- gramme include Austrian director Ulrich Seidl and Slovenian director Vlado Skafar. Global blockbusters will be screened, su- ch as Kedi, about the cats of Istanbul Cats, and arthouse sensation L. Cohen. The of- ficial guest of the festival, and one of the most important contemporary documen- tary filmmakers, is Ruth Beckermann. Following her victory in Berlin, she brin- gs the film The Waldheims Walzer, whi- ch casts a new light on the official history of Europe. Alongside Beckermann’s film, the festival’s selection of biographical do- cumentaries presents works about peo- ple who have already directed the flow of human society, such as Lorna Tucker’s film Westwood: Punk, Icon, Activist, which will make its international premiere at Beldo- cs, but also those who are still doing that, like Israeli writer Etgar Keret. Đorđe Marković’s Film Who Framed Kak- tus Kid? will formally open the festival at the Sava Centre on 7 th May, together with Boris Mitić’s film In Praise of Nothing.

Ejbel Ferara, poznati američki reditelj igranih filmova, biće počasni gost 11. Beldocs festivala sa svojim dokumen- tarnim filmom Trg Vitorio (Piazza Vitto- rio). Ferara donosi dokumentarac kojim slavi čuvenu rimsku pjacu. Trg je jedan konstantno živahni multietnički centar u kojem žive i Rimljani i Azijati, i Afri- kanci i Indijanci. Prolazeći trgom, Ferara se upušta u razgovore sa njima o njiho- vom poreklu, razlogu dolaska, želji za ostankom. I opstankom u surovom sa- vremenom svetu… Ferara je potpisao neka od kultnih filmskih ostvarenja, poput Zlog poručnika iz 1992. godine, koji je vrlo brzo stekao status kultnog.

ABEL FERRARA IN BELGRADE Famous American feature film director Abel Ferrara will be the guest of hono- ur at the 11 th BelDocs Festival, with his documentary film Piazza Vittorio. Ferra- ri brings this documentary with which he honours one of Rome’s most famo- us squares. This plaza is a multi-ethnic hub that is continuously lively and is in- habited by natives of Rome as well as Asians, Africans and Indians. Traversing this square, Ferrara converses with lo- cal residents about their origins, the rea- sons they came and their desire to stay, but also survival in the harsh modern world... Ferrara has authored some cult film achievements, such as the 1992 cla- ssic Bad Lieutenant, which quickly gai- ned a cult status.

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