Elevate May 2018 | Air Serbia



Najlepša filmska ljubavna priča bivše Jugosla- vije, šetnja kroz najstariju psihijatrijsku ustano- vu na Balkanu i druženje sa hrabrim srpskim vladarkama samo su deo programa ovogodi­ šnje Noći muzeja, koja će se 19. maja održati na više od 60 lokacija širom Beograda. Od 17 časova do sat posle ponoći muzeji, ga- lerije i brojne institucije kulture otvoriće svo- ja vrata još jedne majske večeri koja miriše na kulturu, umetnost, radoznale umove i širom otvorene oči u noći. Glumačkim legendama Mileni Dravić i Draganu Nikoliću, omiljenom paru bivše SFRJ kako ispred, tako i iza kame- re, biće odato poštovanje novom izložbom u Muzeju jugoslovenske Kinoteke, koja će pre- mijerno biti otvorena u Noći muzeja. Najstari- ja psihijatrijska ustanova na Balkanu, Dokto- rova kula, odužiće se svom osnivaču, piscu i lekaru Lazi Lazareviću, dok će prvi put u Noći muzeja posetiocima biti predstavljeno i čarob- no zdanje u kojem je živeo naš čuveni Vojislav Jovanović Marambo. Posetioci Muzeja Narod- nog pozorišta plesaće sa crnom i belom labu- dicom, upoznajući se sa različitim beograd- skim postavkama Labudovog jezera, dok će hrabre srpske vladarke iz dinastija Obrenović i Karađorđević zauzeti Umetnički paviljon Cvi - jeta Zuzorić , koji će tokom Noći muzeja postati pravi istorijski paviljon sa više zanimljivih pri- ča iz naše burne istorije. Detaljni program na www.nocmuzeja.rs.

The most beautiful romantic film love story of the former Yugoslavia, strolling through the oldest psychiatric institution in the Balkans, socialising with brave Serbian rulers – these are just part of the programme of this year’s Night of Museums, which will take place at more than 60 locations across Belgrade on 19 th May. From 5pm to 1am, museums, galleries and nume- rous institutions of culture will open their doors for another May evening that exudes culture, art, curious minds and eyes wide open in the night. Acting legends Milena Dravić and Dragan Niko- lić, the former Yugoslavia’s most beloved couple, both in front of and behind the camera, will be honoured with a new exhibition at the Yugoslav Film Archives Cinematheque, which will be un- veiled at the Night of Museums. The oldest psyc-

hiatric institution in the Balkans – Doctor’s Tower - will pay its respects to its founder, writer, psyc- hiatrist and neurologist Dr Laza Lazarević, while for the first time during the Night of Museums vi- sitors will be presented with the magnificent bu- ilding that was the home of famous critic Vojislav Jovanović Marambo. Visitors to the Museum of the National Theatre will dance with Black and White swans, familiarising themselves with va- rious Belgrade adaptations of Swan Lake, whi- le the brave Serbian rulers of the Obrenović and Karađorđević dynasties will occupy the Cvije- ta Zuzorić Art Pavilion, which will become a true historical pavilion during the Night of Museums, presenting numerous interesting stories from our tumultuous history. For a detailed programme of the event visit www.nocmuzeja.rs

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