Lorem ipsum dolor / Lorem ipsum dolor
– Mi nismo smeštali radnju Zone Zamforove u 21. vek . Ona je ostala u vremenu kada su prvi voz i prvi klavir stigli u Niš. Tadašnja groznica prema pri- padanju Evropi, razlika u društvenim slojevima, za- slepljenost tuđim sjajem, ostali su komično isti kao i danas. Predstava je zapravo stilizacija naše proš- losti. Zona Zamforova, na primer, ne nosi šalvare, već je u ogromnoj krinolini, utegnuta u mider sa dijamantima oko vrata, spremna za udaju na beč- kom dvoru, a Mane u kožnim čizmama do kolena i svilenoj beloj košulji, kožnom mantilu, kao neki pirat spreman da upadne u dom Hadži Zamfira i pod maskom se približi njegovoj ćerki. Verujem da je ovo malo opisanog dovoljno da dođete i vidite zašto je ova predstava osvojila više od 15 nagrada na svim regionalnim festivalima i zašto se svaka izvedba završi višeminutnim stojećim ovacijama. Posle mnogo priča o velikim ljubavima, bi- lo da govorimo o Ciganima ili Zoni, izgle- da da i danas, uprkos duhovnom sunovratu i trijumfu materijalnih vrednosti, mi još ve- rujemo u ljubav? – Ljubav je univerzalna tema koja je podjedna- ko inspirativna i Istoku i Zapadu, i prošlosti i sa- dašnjosti. Samo pojmovi o njoj mogu biti različiti, a mislim da je naše poimanje ljubavi još zdravo ili ba- rem zdravije nego u epicentrima savremenog doba. I samo Pozorište na Terazijama ima neku moć da omađija publiku, a čini se da je imate i vi… – Ne verujem u mađije. Smatram da je svaki trud blagosloven. Da život nagrađuje vredne ljude. Pozorište na Terazijama je teatar visoke discipline i posvećenosti, a to će vam potvrditi svaki glumac koji je došao iz nekog drugog teatra. Iako sam već sedam godina član nacionalnog teatra u Beogra- du, ostao sam veran muzičkom teatru. Kao što su moje veze sa ovim teatrom neraskidive, tako i sva- ko ko odgleda neku predstavu u Pozorištu na Te- razijama uvek mora da mu se vrati. Zašto je tako? Dođite sa saznate...
play’s director, a native of Niš who grew up with Zona Zamfirova. He said that we succeeded in creating an authentic Mane that every native of Niš could say that they recognise, stating accurately where he lives and what his habits are. Mane is a barfly, a revolutionary, stubborn, a joker, a righteous bandit who is capable of killing and singing, of simultaneously being a hijacker and an obe- dient son, all for the sake of love. And he couldn’t be different if his best friend was Aunt Doka, who sings to his face every day “when you’re young, when you sing, how dare you be weak, are you my blood or a small-town worm?” The story has been adapted for the stage to the time in which they lived, but have things really changed that much? - We didn’t reset the story of Zona Zamfirova in the 21 st century. It remains in the time when the first train and the first piano arrived in Niš. The fever of that time to belong to Europe, differences in social classes, and the blindness to the shine of others, have remained comically the same today. This play is actually a stylisation of our past. For instance, Zona Zamfirova doesn’t wear a shawl, but rather a huge crinoline petticoat, tightened at the waist and with a diamond around her neck, ready to marry at the court of Vienna. And mane, in knee-high leather boots and a white silk shirt and leather coat, is like a pi- rate ready to break into the house of Hadži Zamfira and approach his daugh- ter under a mask. I believe this little description is reason enough for you to come and see for yourself why this play has won over 15 awards at all region- al festivals and why every performance ends with a standing ovation lasting several minutes. After many stories of great love, whether we’re talking about Gypsies or Zona, it seems that even today – despite spiritual descents and the triumph of material values – we still believe in love? - Love is a universal topic that is equally inspiring to both the East and the West, and to the past and the present. Only concepts about it can differ. And I think that our concept of love is still healthy, or at least healthier than in the epicentres of modern times. And only Terazije Theatre has the power to enchant the audience, and it seems you also have that power... - I don’t believe in enchantment. I consider every effort a blessing; that life rewards hardworking people. Terazije Theatre is a theatre of high discipline and dedication, and any actor who’s come from another theatre will confirm that for you. Although I’ve been a member of the National Theatre in Belgrade for seven years, I’ve remained true to musical theatre. Just as my connections to this theatre are unbreakable, so anyone who sees a play at Terazije Thea- tre must always return. Why is that so? Come and find out for yourself...
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