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de prvi put od 1962. godine, kada je Muzej 25. maj otvoren kao jedan od najmonumentalnijih izložbenih pro- stora u zemlji. – Privode se kraju i radovi na iz- gradnji savremenog centra za posetio- ce sa biletarnicom, restoranom i suve- nirnicom. Sama građevina se uklapa u postojeći ambijent, a značiće mnogo jer će pružiti neophodni komfor gosti- ma. Važno je napomenuti da naš kom- pleks godišnje obiđe oko 120 hiljada ljudi – ispričala nam je Ana Radić, sa- radnik za odnose s javnošću, a sami smo se uverili da je gostiju, domaćih i stranih, mnogo i kad na parkingu nema nijednog turističkog autobusa. U knjige žalosti u Kući cveća do danas se upisalo više od 20 miliona ljudi iz celog sveta, a toliko stanovni- ka je pre raspada imala zemlja kojoj je muzej posvećen.
Izvođenje programa povodom Dana mladosti 1965. na Stadionu JNA Implementation of the programme commemorating the occasion of Youth Day 1965 at JNA Stadium
The nation remembered the name of the final baton bearer, the one who ran up the long steps, handed over the baton and gaspingly recited the greeting on behalf of the youth of Yugoslavia. - And in 1980, the baton set off in ear- ly March along the usual route, but came to a stop with Tito’s death on 4th May. The last baton was laid on a podium in the building of the SFRY Federal Assem- bly. The tradition of celebrating Youth Day continued for a while, then in 1987, with much controversy, the last baton arrived from Slovenia. And with it one tradition became extinct. In the meantime, the House of Flow- ers, Tito’s final resting place, has become a place of gathering for admirers of the late President of SFR Yugoslavia. The “Jo- sip BrozTito Memorial Centre”was estab- lished, incorporating museums and res- idences in Belgrade, but also facilities in Croatia, in Tito’s native Kumrovec and res- idences on the islets of Brioni and Vanga. With the collapse of the country that Tito symbolised, this concept slowly grew in- to an institution that has been renamed as the Museum of Yugoslavia since the end of 2016. - The museum is formed from part of the memorial complex that includes the House of Flowers with the park area, the Me- morial Collection and the Old Museum, as well as 25 th May Museum. Significant facili- ties have been excluded, such as Tito’s res-
idence that was destroyed in the bombing of 1999, then the Hunting House, Billiard Hall etc. 25 th May Museum houses the larg- est number of batons, as well as a very sig- nificant collection of gifts received by Tito. From modest presents, to precious and his- torically significant ones. It is a huge chal- lenge to present it all in an appropriate way following completion of the reconstruction works on the museum building – says Ne- da Knežević, Director of the Museum of Yu- goslavia, noting that serious reconstruction works are now being carried out for the first time since 1962, when 25 th May Museum first opened as one of the country’s most monumental exhibition spaces. - Works are nearing completion on the construction of a modern visitor cen- tre with a ticket office, a restaurant and a souvenir shop. The building itself suits the existing ambience, and it will mean a lot in terms of providing guests with the neces- sary comfort. It is important to note that our complex is visited annually by around 120,000 people – says Ana Radić, the mu- seum’s public relations officer, and we saw for ourselves that there are many visitors, both local and foreign, even when there are no tour buses in the carpark. To date, entries in the book of remem- brance at the House of Flowers have been made by more than 20 million people from all over the world, and that was also the population of the country glorified by this museum, prior to its collapse.
The building of 25 th May Museum is a significant example of high modernity, while the project was the work of architect Mihailo ’Mika’ Janković Zgrada Muzeja 25. maj značajan je primer visoke moderne, a projekat je uradio arhitekta Mihailo Mika Janković
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