moda / fashion I me Dragane Ognjenović sinonim je za vrhunsku modu, eleganciju, prefi- njenost. Čiste linije, autentičan stil, minimalan broj elemenata koji vodi do vrhunske kreacije i izraza prepoznatljivi su već više od 20 godina. Draga- na se ne povinuje modnim trendovima, kreira tako da njeni komadi iska- žu stav, a modeli sa inicijalima D.O. promišljeni su, svedeni i slave ženstvenost na decentan način. Za Draganu odeća ima nekoliko zadataka: da nas ugreje, da nas definiše i da nas ponekad usreći. Može mnogo da pomogne, ali ako krenemo od po- slednjeg ka prvom, može da se desi da na kraju izgubimo sebe. Zato, po njenom mišljenju, u odabiru odeće su najvažniji sopstveni stil i ličnost. Dragana je nedavno beogradskoj publici prikazala svoju najnoviju kolekciju za proleće/leto 2018, a potom je reviju imala i na Beograd- skoj nedelji mode. Impozantna dizajnerska karijera je iza nje, a sve je počelo od crtanja.
– Odrasla sam čitajući i crtajući, pomalo po strani od stvarno- sti, čini mi se. Moji roditelji su nekako uspeli da taj period učine bezbrižnim i jednostavnim. Kasnije istinsko zadovoljstvo školo- vanja pružila mi je Likovna akademija. Dobar ambijent, intere- santne kolege, divni profesori... Tu sam stekla i nekoliko istin- skih prijatelja. I sada me predivne uspomene vezuju za to mesto. Dovoljno je samo da se setim mirisa te škole, pa da osetim tu ne- običnu pripadnost. Imala sam puno sreće što me je put odveo na
Modeli Dragane Ognjenović sa 43. Beogradske nedelje mode
Dragana Ognjenović models from
the 43 rd Belgrade Fashion Week
T he name of Dragana Ognjenović is synonymous with high fashion, elegance and sophistication. Her clean lines, au- thentic style and minimal number of elements, leading to top creations and expressions, have been recognisable for more than 20 years. Dragana does not follow fashion trends, rather she creates in such a way that her pieces show attitude, while de- signs that carry the initials D.O. are considered and minimal, cele- brating femininity in a virtuous way. For Dragana, clothes have several tasks: to warm us, to define us and sometimes to make us happy. They can help a lot, but if we progress from last to first it can happen that we end up losing our- selves. As such, in her opinion, the most important factors in the se- lection of clothes are personal style and character. Dragana recently presented her latest spring/summer 2018 col- lection to the Belgrade public, after which she had her own show at Bel- grade Fashion Week. She has amassed an impressive design career, but everything started with sketching. “I grew up reading and drawing, a little detached from reality, it seems to me. My parents somehow managed to make that period carefree and sim- ple. Later, I was provided with the true satisfaction of schooling by the Academy of Fine Arts – a good atmosphere, interesting peers, wonderful professors... I also
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