to mesto – seća se Dragana. Kaže da je oduvek znala da će se baviti modom, a ka- da je otkrila slikarstvo, te njene dve ljubavi su se preklo- pile i dopunile. – Moda je po definiciji primenjena umetnost. Različita disciplina od slikarstva, pre svega sezonalna, brza, što zna- či da za one koji sezonu prate stajanja nema. Moda je inte- rakcija, proizvod i nadgradnja odnosa, čista emocija. Ima je u svakom kutku života – objašnjava Dragana. Draganu opčinjava proces stvaranja, popravljanje gre- šaka i stremljenje ka kvalitetu, a taj proces, dodaje, često ni- je svima razumljiv. Ispričala nam je da uvek misli na ode- ću i dizajn, da uvek crta i otkrila nam je svoj jedini strah. – Ideja je u meni mnogo, moja najveća borba je da se opredelim samo za jednu, mislim da ostale neće doći na red… jer, vremena je malo – kaže ona. Često se vode debate o tome šta je umetnost, a šta moda, ali Draganino mišljenje je da vredne stvari posta- nu umetnost bez obzira na sve, samo moraju da sačekaju sud vremena. Na pitanje ko su njeni uzori odgovara da su to istinski
made a few true friends there, and I now have fond memo- ries that connect me to that place. It is enough for me to re- call the smell of that school to feel that extraordinary sense of belonging. I was very fortunate that my path took me to that place,” recalls Dragana. She says that she always knew that she would work in fashion, and when she discovered painting, her two loves overlapped and augmented one another. “Fashion is by definition applied art. A different discipline
from painting, primarily seasonal, fast-moving, which means that for those who follow the seasons there is no stopping. Fashion is an interaction, a product and an uplifting relationship, pure emo- tion. It exists in every corner of life,” explains Dragana. Dragana finds herself enchanted by the creation process, the cor- rection of mistakes and striving for quality. And this process, she adds, often isn’t comprehensible to everyone. She tells us that she has always thought of clothes and design, and that she has always sketched. She al- so reveals to us her only fear. “There are many ideas in me, so my biggest struggle is opting for only one – I don’t think the others will get their turn... because time is short.” What constitutes art and what constitutes fashion is a topic that’s often de- bated, but Dragana is of the opinion that things of value become art regardless –
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