moda / fashion
they just have to wait for the judgement of time. When asked who her role models are, she says that those are “true artists, who deal with their own person- al needs in their work. There are such people in all seg- ments. They aren’t common, but they exist. They are of- ten people who don’t have a lot of contact with art, and they are very special.” An unavoidable question is what travel means to Dragana? “The source of communication - with self, first and foremost. A lot of enjoyment. I’ve heard many people say how they find long flights gruelling, but for me that’s the moment when I get out my notebook and pens, and spend the entire time drawing and writing. New York, Paris, Venice, but also Tokyo and Kyoto, and the Maldives – these are places that I could visit countless times and not find boring. I am delighted that Air Serbia has estab- lished direct communication with New York.” She also says that her “middle name is airport”. “I love that speed. I like new places, new food, new people and colours; clothes in other places, smells and the ways in which people in different places around the world use the same ingredients and components to make different clothing, food or atmospheres. Everything is in people and their imagination. I sketch a lot on my travels, taking note to ensure nothing is forgotten. The most beautiful part of travelling is people, their nature and their clothes,”concludes Dragana, before respond- ing to the question of what she would be if she wasn’t a fashion designer by saying: “I would be the same as that: a designer of fashion and a painter, who also cooks.”
Fashion is an interaction, a product, and an uplifting relationship, pure emotion. It exists in every corner of life Moda je interakcija, proizvod i nadgradnja odnosa, čista emocija. Ima je u svakom kutku života
pre svega. Veliko uživanje. Mnogo ljudi sam čula kako su im dugi le- tovi naporni, a meni je to trenutak kada izvadim svoje sveske, olovke, crtam i pišem sve vreme. Njujork, Pariz, Venecija, kao i Tokio i Kjoto, Maldivi, to su mesta na koja bih mo- gla da idem nebrojeno puta i da mi nisu dosadna. Mnogo se radujem što je Er Srbija uspostavila direktnu ko- munikaciju sa Njujorkom. Kaže i da je njeno „srednje ime aerodrom“. – Volim tu brzinu. Volim nova
mesta, novu hranu, nove ljude i boje. Odeću na drugim mestima. Mirise i načine na koje ljudi na različitim me- stima na svetu od istih sastojaka pra- ve različitu odeću, hranu ili atmosfe- ru. Sve je u ljudima i njihovoj mašti. Mnogo crtam na putovanjima, bele- žim da nešto ne ostane zaboravlje- no. Najlepši deo putovanja su ljudi, priroda i njihova odeća – kaže Dra- gana za kraj i na pitanje šta bi bi- la da nije modni dizajner, odgovara: – Bila bih isto to. Modni dizaj- ner i slikar. Koji kuva.
umetnici, koji se svojim poslom ba- ve iz lične potrebe. U svim segmen- tima ima takvih ljudi. Nisu česti, ali postoje. Često su to ljudi koji nema- ju mnogo dodira s umetnošću, a ve- oma su posebni. Neizbežno je pitanje – šta je za Draganu putovanje? – Izvor komunikacije. Sa sobom,
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