li u delo, a verujte da želimo samo najbolje našoj reprezentaciji i Srbiji. Naš narod treba da bude ponosan što se tim plasirao u Rusiju. Tamo ćemo se potruditi da ostavimo što bolji utisak –kaže Krstajić za Elevejt i dodaje da ne beži od toga da sa- sluša savete… – Zavisi od toga o čemu razgo- varamo, tako da ne bih mogao da izdvojim jednu ili dve osobe koje konkretno pitam za pomoć ili sa- vet. Generalno, nemam problem da bilo koga saslušam ako je dobrona- meran, naravno. U Srbiji svi priželjkuju da orlovi visoko polete u Rusiji, pa je ljudski nadati se da bismo mogli da podi- gnemo pehar. Ako to ne bude slu- čaj, selektor predviđa da bi na tron fudbaskog sveta mogla da se popne Nemačka. – Ima još dva meseca do počet- ka prvenstva, videćemo u kojim će se sastavima reprezentacije pojavi- ti. Sezone su duge i naporne, pa na- žalost i povrede, koje su objektivna opasnost, ponekad kroje tim. Ali ako baš zahtevate da budem konkretan, kazaću da je za mene Nemačka pr- vi kandidat, a zatim Brazil, Španija… Verujem da Belgija može da uradi mnogo iz drugog plana. Na pitanje o tome šta je najveća sreća koju je doživeo na klupi Srbije, Krstajiću nije bilo teško da odgovori. – Naravno, plasman na planetar- ni šampionat. Bio sam srećan i kada sam dobio poverenje predsednika i Izvršnog odbora Fudbalskog save- za Srbije da vodim svoju zemlju na SP kao selektor – kazao je, a onda se zamislio kada smo ga upitali za naj- veće strahove i da li ih uopšte ima: – Strah je sastavni deo karaktera svake osobe. Strahovi nas na odre- đeni način motivišu da budemo bo- lji, uspešniji i stabilniji. Svoje ću sa- čuvati samo za sebe. Važno je da ima podršku najbli- žih saradnika, stalo mu je do njiho- ve iskrenosti i posvećenosti. Ukoliko prepozna suprotno, to ga čini vrlo nezadovoljnim. Ipak, kada bi imao neke supermoći, ne bi ih iskoristio da popravi stvari kojima je nezado- voljan. Sve bi ih zamenio za… – Ha-ha-ha, zanimljivo pitanje. Nedavno me je neko pitao kojeg bih bivšeg reprezentativca voleo da imam u reprezentaciji. Odgovor je bio Nemanju Vidića. Tako da bih sve fiktivne junake menjao za jed- nog Nemanju Vidića.
DIVIM SE… – Divim se predsedniku Srbije Aleksan- dru Vučiću koliko ima snage i energi- je da se nosi sa svim problemima kako bi izveo Srbiju na pravi put i redite- lju Emiru Kusturici jer ima svoj pravac i zna da uživa u životu. LJUBAV ŽIVOTA – Moja porodica. Posle svih tenzija i pri- tisaka opuštam se uz najmilije i iskrene prijatelje, kojih je, nažalost, malo.
possible impression there – says Krstajić for Elevate, adding that he doesn’t avoid listening to advice... - It depends what we’re talking about, so I couldn’t sin- gle out one or two people whom I specifically ask for help or advice. Generally, I don’t have a problem listening to anyone, as long as they are good-natured, of course. Everyone in Serbia wants the“Eagles”to fly high in Russia, and it’s only human that we would hope to raise the trophy. If that doesn’t turn out to be the case, Serbia’s coach predicts that Germany could wear the crown of the football world. - There are two more months until the start of the world cup. We will see the line-ups of the national teams as they ar- rive. Seasons are long and strenuous so, unfortunately, teams are sometimes tailored by injuries, which are an objective threat. But if you really want me to be specific, I will say that for me Germany is the top candidate, followed by Brazil and Spain... I believe that Belgium can do a lot from the shadows. Asked about the greatest moment of happiness he has experienced on the bench for Serbia, Krstajić doesn’t strug- gle for an answer. - Qualifying for the global tournament, of course. I was also happy when I received the trust of the President and the Executive Committee of the Serbian Football Association to lead my country to the World Cup as head coach – says Krstajić, before taking a moment to consider when we ask him about his greatest fears and whether he even has them: - Fear is an integral part of the character of every per- son. Fears motivate us in a certain way to be better, more suc- cessful and more stable. I will keep my own fears to myself. It is important that he has the support of his closest as- sociates; he cares about their sincerity and dedication. If he recognises the opposite, he feels very dissatisfied. Howev- er, if he had some super powers, he wouldn’t use them to fix things with which he is dissatisfied with. He would re- place them all for... - Ha-ha-ha! Interesting question. Someone recently asked me which former international player I would like to have in the national team today. The answer was Nemanja Vidić. So, I would swap all fictitious heroes for one Vidić.
ŽIVOTNI MOTO – Rad, odricanje, iskrenost,
požrtvovanje. Nikada ne odustajem i ni- kada se ne predajem. U životu ne tražim alibi i volim da preuzmem odgovornost. I ADMIRE… - I admire Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić for the strength and energy he has to deal with all prob- lems in order to direct Serbia towards the right path. And director Emir Kus- turica. He has his own direction and knows how to enjoy life. LOVE OF MY LIFE - My family. After all the tension and pressure, I relax with my loved ones and with sincere friends, of which I unfortunately only have a few. LIFE MOTTO - Work, renunciation, sincerity, sacri- fice. I never give up and never surren- der. I don’t seek an excuse in my life and like to take responsibility.
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