T he Moscow Metro has gained the status of an attraction that can be compared with Saint Basil’s Cathe- dral or the Kremlin itself. Tourists who come to the Russian capital have plans to visit museums dedicated to great writers, but also to tour the stations of this famous metro, which is specific in so many ways. The most obvious specificity is that the stations resemble galleries, underground museums, palaces for the people... The Mos- cow Metro was one of the USSR’s most ex- travagant architectural projects, built un- der the command of Stalin, who ordered that artists and architects design a space that would present all the shine and light of the future of his country. He sought that they design stations that would encourage citizens to look up towards beautifully lit vaults as though looking towards the sun, and to admire that beauty. With its reflec- tive marble walls, high ceilings and grandi- ose chandeliers, many of Moscow’s stations really appear as though they are illuminat- ed by a subterranean sun. The art includes bas-reliefs, marble and bronze statues, stained glass and countless mosaics made of glass, marble and granite. Here you can find images of former revolu- tionaries and historical figures, their victo- ries, famous athletes, sculptures of warri- ors, scenes of farmers and ordinary Soviet people – workers, students, scenes from everyday life etc. The magnificent architectural project began and ended with Stalin. After his death in 1955, the Communist Party issued a de- cree eliminating “extravagance in design and construction”. New stations built during this period were deprived of mosaics, orig- inal pillars or other “unjustified” elements. The party had a new theme – more kilo- metres at the expense of architecture. Fortu-
Izgrađena je 1953. godine na početku hladnog rata pa je i pravljena sa idejom da posluži kao atomsko sklonište, pa se nalazi 41 metar ispod zemlje. Karakterišu je niski stubovi i visok plafon ukrašen cvetnim reljefima i ra- skošnim lusterima Built in 1953, at the start of the Cold War, it was thus designed with the idea of serving as an atomic shelter, which is why it is located at a depth of 41 metres. It is characterised by low pillars and a high ceiling decorated with floral reliefs and luxurious chandeliers
Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Mitar Mitrović
M oskovski metro dobio je status atrakcije koja se može meriti sa Cr- kvom Svetog Vasilija ili Kremlja samog. Turisti koji dola- ze u rusku prestonicu u planu ima- ju da posete muzeje velikih pisaca, ali i da razgledaju stanice tog fa- moznog metroa, koji je poseban na toliko mnogo načina. Onaj najočigledniji jeste da sta- nice izgledaju kao galerije, muzeji pod zemljom, palate… Moskovski metro bio je jedan od najekstrava- gantnijih arhitektonskih projekata SSSR-a, građen pod komandom Sta- ljina, koji je naredio umetnicima i arhitektima da dizajniraju prostor koji će predstaviti sav sjaj i svetlu buducnost njegove države. Tražio je da dizajniraju stanice koje bi ohra- brile građane da pogledaju uvis u predivne osvetljene svodove kao u sunce i da se dive toj lepoti. Sa svo-
jim reflektujucim mramornim zi- dovima, visokim plafonima i gran- dioznim lusterima, mnoge stanice u Moskvi zaista izgledaju kao da ih obasjavaju podzemna sunca. Umetnost uključuje bas-reljefe, mermerne i bronzane statue, vitra- že i bezbrojne mozaike napravlje- ne od stakla, mermera i granita. Ov- de možete naci slike revolucionara i istorijskih ličnosti, njihovih pobe- da, znamenitih sportista, skulpture ratnika, prikaze poljoprivrednika i običnih sovjetskih ljudi – radnika, studenata, prizore iz običnog života… Veličanstveni arhitektonski pro- jekat započeo je sa Staljinom, a sa njim se i završio. Posle njegove smrti, Komunistička partija izdala je dekret kojim se eliminiše „ekstravagancija u dizajnu i izgradnji“. Nove stanice koje su izgrađene tokom tog vreme- na bile su lišene mozaika, original- nih kolona ili drugih „neopravdanih“
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