Tolstoy believed that he could not be happy away from nature, which is why he chose a house with a park for his home in Moscow. Two linden trees that date back to his time are still there today Tolstoj je verovao da se ne može biti srećan daleko od prirode zbog čega je za svoj dom u Moskvi izabrao kuću sa parkom. Dve lipe iz njegovog vremena i sada su tu
M oscow’s central business district in close proximity to the Park of Culture metro station. It has the expected capital city landscape – wide boulevards, concrete, steel, crowds... And then one street to the left, then one more, and somewhere around the second corner, you arrive in the street of Leo Tolstoy. A nar- row and seemingly quite inconspicuous al- ley, it runs alongside some important institu- tions and expensive restaurants, all the way to a 19 th century rural estate. The only house to be surrounded by parkland in this area, it looks just as it did in 1882, when it came in- to the possession of great Russian writer Lav Nikolayevich Tolstoy. It was then one of many similar homes, now it’s like a warm spark in the midst of cold modernity. This crumb of the rural charm of distant centuries was the home of the Tolstoys, who initially mostly visited it during the winter, be- fore later choosing to live in Moscow due to the education of their children. Tolstoy fell in love with the house at first sight. It remind- ed him of part of his native Yasnaya Polya- na, and he believed that a man could not be happy if he was far from nature. The interior of all 16 rooms has been carefully preserved, with everything remained untouched, just as it was when Leo sat in the study and wrote his immortal works. Although they had 13 chil- dren, of which eight survived to adulthood, they were all as quiet as mice while father was
Tolstojevih, koji su je u početku uglav- nom posećivali zimi, ali su kasnije ipak izabrali Moskvu zbog obrazovanja de- ce. Tolstoj se u nju zaljubio na prvi po- gled. Podsećala ga je na deo rodne Ja- sne Poljane, a verovao je da čovek ne može biti srećan daleko od prirode. En- terijer svih 16 soba pažljivo je očuvan, sve je ostalo netaknuto kao u vreme kada je u radnoj sobi sedeo Lav pišu- ći svoja besmrtna dela. Iako su imali 13 dece, od kojih je osmoro preživelo, svi su bili tihi kao bubice dok je otac
stvarao. A ako malo bolje oslušnete tišinu koja i danas vlada u tim soba- ma, može vam se učiniti da čujete ka- ko Lav i Maksim Gorki igraju svoje čuvene partije šaha u glavnom salo- nu ili tihe zvuke klavira čije dirke pre- bira tada veoma mladi Rahmanjinov. Više od 6.000 ličnih predmeta Tol- stojeve porodice obratiće vam se kroz prizmu vremena, pričom o tome gde je i kako živeo tvorac remek-dela kao što su Rat i mir ili Ana Karenjina . U vreme kada se doselio u ovu drvenu
Na ovom klaviru svirao je Rahmanjinov, ovde je pevao Šaljapin,
a Maksim Gorki sa domaćinom igrao šah
played on this piano and Chaliapin sang here, while Maksim Gorky played chess with the host
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