Lorem ipsum dolor / Lorem ipsum dolor CRVENA
1. ALEKSANDROVSKI SAD Krenite od Aleksandrove bašte, vrta pod zidina- ma Kremlja, poznatog po arhitektonskim spo- menicima, neverovatno lepim cvetnim baštama i istoriji. Večni plamen gori u znak secanja na pale junake u Drugom svetskom ratu ispred ku- le Kremlja Kutafja. Zastanite da pogledate sme- nu straže, mlade momke koji elegantno kora- čaju i nepomično čuvaju sećanje na pale borce. Kažu da vežbaju nešto između joge i pilatesa da bi mogli da koračaju visoko podignutih nogu, mladi su i često dolaze iz Sibira i drugih lede- nih krajeva da bi u hladnim zimskim danima stajali na mrtvoj straži.
1. ALEKSANDROVSKY SAD Set off from Alexander Gardens, the park beneath the walls of the Kremlin, which is famous for its ar- chitectural monuments, incredibly beautiful flow- er beds and its history. The eternal flame burns here in honour of the fallen heroes of World War II in front of the Kremlin’s Kutafya Tower. Stop to observe the changing of the guard, young men who walk elegantly and immovably preserve the memories of fallen fighters. They are said to prac- tise something between yoga and pilates in or- der to be able to step with their legs so high. They are young and often come from Siberia and other icy regions, in order to be able to stand still as sta- tionary guards during the cold winter days.
Ako u junu dolazite na Svetsko prvenstvo u fud- balu, nema sumnje da će vam prve stanice biti sta- dioni Lužnjiki i Arena Ot- kritije, ali morate na- ći vremena da upoznate Moskvu, makar onaj njen deo koji zovu njenim sr- cem i dušom If you are attend- ing the FIFA World Cup in June, there’s no doubt that your first ports of call will be Luzhniki Sta- dium and Otkritie Arena, but you also have to find time to familiarise your- self with Moscow, even if only the part known as its heart and soul.
Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Mitar Mitrović, iStock
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