3. CRVENI TRG Na putu od Kremlja do Crvenog tr- ga naići ćete na prelepi istorijski mu- zej od crvene cigle, sa fantastičnom zbirkom umetničkih dela koja prika- zuje rusku istoriju. Crveni trg vekovi- ma je bio i još jeste srce i duša Rusi- je. Od 16. veka tu je Katedrala Vasilija Blaženog, koju smo već predstavili, kao i Lenjinov mauzolej. Kada ugle- date red na Crvenom trgu, znajte da to ljudi čekaju da odaju počast Vla- dimiru Iljiču Lenjinu, ocu Sovjetskog Saveza, koji leži balsamovan osvet- ljen crvenom svetlošću u mračnoj dvorani koju čuvaju vojnici. Ulaz je besplatan, a iskustvo pomalo jezivo. Na samom trgu nalazi se jedan od najstarijih i najzanimljivijih trgovač- kih centara u Moskvi: GUM je uvek bio i ostaje najveca prodavnica u ze- mlji, a Crveni trg simbol ruske turbu- lentne i intrigantne prošlosti.
oružje, bio mesto gde su pohranjene carske dragocenosti. Vremenom postaje dom mnogim muzejima, od kojih je najpoznatiji Kolekcija ruskih dijamanata sa najvećim brojem Faberžeovih jaja na svetu, ruskom carskom krunom i prestolom Ivana Gro- znog napravljenim od slonovače. Tokom više od osam vekova postojanja izgled Kremlja se više puta menjao. Svaka epoha ruske istorije i vladari koji su ih obeležili ostavili su svoj trag u izgradnji i ra- zvoju citadele, od kojih su Ivan Treći, Katarina Druga i Nikolaj Prvi Romanov imali najviše zasluga za njegov današnji izgled. 2. THE KREMLIN You are now already in front of the gates of the Kremlin, the symbol of the Russian state, treasury of incredible relics and monuments of art, home of Russia’s rulers and today the official residence of President Vladimir Putin. You will be able to enter with a small rucksack and handbag, but you will have to leave all larger bags in a specially designated area. Entrance fees vary depending on what you want to visit. You can see Sobornaya (Cathedral) Square, located at the very centre of the Kremlin and surrounded by six buildings, including three cathedrals. There, among others, is Uspensky Sobor (The Cathedral of the Assumption), the main Moscow church where all Russian tsars were crowned. The Cathedral of The Archangel is where the remains of great rulers can be found. In this square is also the Tsar Bell, the world’s largest bell, weighing 216 tonnes, 6.14 metres tall, and with a diameter of 6.6 metres. It has never been rung, because a fire in 1737 caused a large part of the bell to crack and separate, after which it remained in its casting pit for almost a century. It was only in 1836 that it was placed on a stone pedestal in the Kremlin, alongside the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great.
A visit to the square will cost you 500 rubles, and you will have to pay another 200 to visit the Museum of Weapons (the Kremlin Armoury), one of Moscow’s old- est museums, which – besides preserving weapons - was also a place where imperial valuables were stored. Over time, it has become home to many museum col- lections, the most famous is the of which Russian Dia- mond Fund, which possesses the world’s largest collec- tion of Fabergé eggs, the Imperial Crown of Russia and the ivory throne of Ivan the Terrible. Over the course of its more than eight centuries of ex- istence, the appearance of the Kremlin has changed many times. Every epoch of Russian history, and the rulers who marked it, left traces in the construction and development of the citadel, with the greatest credit for its current appearance belonging chiefly to Ivan III, Catherine the Great and Nicholas I Romanov.
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