Manastir Vavedenje Sa horom anđela Ženski manastir Vavedenja Presvete Bogorodi- ce nalazi se na Senjaku, autom pet minuta, a peške 15 od najprometnije gradske ulice – Kneza Miloša. Čude- sna je ta blizina buke i brzine i ovog mesta mira i než- nosti. Toj atmosferi lepote naročito doprinose svetski poznati hor Melodi i dirigentkinja Divna Ljubojević. Već 25 godina oni pevaju na liturgiji, bogosluženju nedeljom ujutru. Da je to pravoslavno pevanje muzika iz raja, potrđuju svi koji su čuli Melodi i Divnu. Svako je pozvan na ovaj koncert glasova anđela nedeljom ujutru u 9. Inače, crkva manastira podignuta je 1935. Ktitor- ka Persida Milenković, žena beogradskog trgovca i dobrotvora Riste Milenkovića, prema legendi je usnu- la san da baš na tom mestu treba izgraditi crkvu, što je i učinila. Moglo bi se reći da je Vavedenje prvi be- ogradski ženski manastir i u njemu su boravile mo- nahinje iz Rusije koje su u Srbiju stigle posle Okto- barske revolucije. U manastiru postoji radionica za šivenje i vez, sestre prave tamjan, izrađuju pletene i vezene brojanice i brojanice od biljke čija se zrna na- zivaju suze Bogorodičine. Riznica manastira Vavede- nja čuva nekoliko izuzetnih ikona iz 18. i 19. veka, me- đu kojima je čuvena ikona Lesninska Bogorodica. Vavedenje Monastery WITH A CHOIR OF ANGELS The Women’s Monastery (Convent) of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin is located in the Senjak area, just a five-min- ute drive or fifteen-minute walk from the busy Kneza Mi- loša Street. It is wondrous to find such a place of tranquilli- ty and tenderness in such close proximity to noise and speed. Contributing specifically to this atmosphere of beauty is the world-famous Melody Choir and conductor Divna Ljubojević. They have sang for 25 years at the Liturgy on Sunday morn- ing worship. Anyone who has heard Melody and Divna will confirm that this Orthodox singing is music sent straight from heaven. And everyone is invited to this concert of angelic voic- es, on Sunday mornings at 9am. The church of this convent was erected in 1935. Legend has it that the benefactor Persida Milenković, wife of Belgrade merchant and philanthropist Risto Milenković, dreamt that she should build a church on that very site, which she did. It could be said that Vavedenje was the first Belgrade convent, and even housed nuns from Russia who arrived in Serbia following the October Revolution. The nunnery includes a workshop for nee- dlework and knitting, while the sisters also make incense, knit- ted and embroidered rosaries, and rosaries from plant whose seeds are called Tears of the Virgin. The treasury of Vavedenje preserves several exceptional icons from the 18 th and 19 th centu- ries, among which is the famous icon of the Lesninska Virgin.
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