Manastir Rakovica Od Kneza Miloša do patrijarha Pavla Za mnoge Beograđane je manastir Rakovica najlakši i naj- brži put do smirenja i zone sigurnosti. Možda i zbog toga što je tu 2009. sahranjen, kako su ga mnogi zvali, živi svetac, pa- trijarh Pavle. Manastirska crkva posvećena je arhangelima Gavrilu i Mi- hailu i nalazi se 11 kilometara od centra Beograda. Prema na- rodnom predanju, manastir su podigli Nemanjići, Dragutin i Milutin, međutim, prema jednoj vlaškoj povelji, ktitor mana- stira je vlaški vojvoda Radul Prvi Crni, inače zet kneza Laza- ra, koji je vladao Vlaškom između 1377. i 1385, pa se računa da je manastir nastao u to vreme. Od 16. veka manastir se nala- zi na mestu gde je i danas i tokom burne istorije pratio sud- binu naroda. Selili su se monasi u seobama, stradali u ustan- cima i ratovima. Među najznačajnijim srpskim vladarima koji su pomogli izgradnju manastira je knjaz Miloš Obrenović, čijom ulicom se kroz centar grada prolazi da bi se do manastira stiglo. I Mi- loševa žena, kneginja Ljubica, pomogla je izgradnju manasti- ra, pa i danas manastir čuva uspomenu na nju kroz Ljubičin konak. U manastiru Rakovica zamonašen je Sveti vladika Ni- kolaj Velimirović, a čuveni i omiljeni starac Tadej tu je ruko- položen u čin jeromonaha. I naš savremenik, omiljeni srpski patrijarh Pavle, po svojoj želji sahranjen je u ovom manastiru. Rakovica Monastery FROM PRINCE MILOŠ TO PATRIARCH PAVLE For many Belgraders, Rakovica Monastery is the easiest and fast- est way to tranquility and a zone of safety. This is perhaps also because it was here in 2009 that the man known by many people as a “living saint”, Patriarch Pavle, was buried. The monastery church, dedicated to the Holy Archangels Gabriel and Michael, is located 11 kilometres from the centre of Belgrade. Ac- cording to folk belief, the monastery was erected by Nemanjić dynasty members Dragutin and Milutin, but according to one Vlach command, the monastery’s parton was the Vlach Ruler Radul I Crni, the son-in- law of Prince Lazar, who ruled Vlachia between 1377 and 1385, which is why that time is assumed as the period that saw the emergence of the monastery. Since the 16 th century, the monastery has been locat- ed in the same place where it stands today, and throughout a tumul- tuous history it has shared the fate of the people. The monks moved in exoduses and were slain in uprisings and wars. Among the most important Serbian rulers who helped build the monastery is Prince Miloš Obrenović, whose street runs through the centre of the city and also enables access to reach this monastery. And Miloš’s wife, Princess Ljubica, also helped build the monastery, so even today the monastery preserves her memory through the so-called“Ljubi- čin konak” (Ljubica’s residence). Interned at the Rakovica Monastery were the holy bishop Nikolaj Velimirović and the famous and belov- ed old man Tadej, who took the rank of jeromonah here. And our con- temporary, the much-loved Serbian patriarch Pavle was buried at this monastery according to his will.
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