Manastir Fenek Pod okriljem Svete Petke
Koliko ima dece u crkvi ovog manastira kada je lepo vre- me i na veliki praznik, neko bi pomislio da je reč o igraoni- ci. Sede deca ispod ikona i igraju se, tu su igračke, bojanke i bojice, kao i mame i tate što se mole za zdravlje i ljubav. Manastir Fenek nalazi se u blizini Jakova, u opštini Surčin, 25 kilometara od Beograda. Manastirska crkva posvećena je Svetoj mučenici Paraskevi, Svetoj Petki, čiji se deo moštiju tu i danas nalazi. Prema narodnom predanju, manastir je sagra- đan u drugoj polovini 15. veka, a osnovali su ga Stefan i An- gelina Branković. Nova crkva podignuta je u 18. veku. Moglo bi se reći i da je manastir bio i neka vrsta rezidencije srpskih vladara. U njemu su se 1788. sastali knez Aleksa Nenadović i austrijski car Josif Drugi. Posle propasti Prvog srpskog ustan- ka, 1813. u njemu su mesec dana boravili vožd Karađorđe i nje- gov sin Aleksa, a do 1815. tu su bili studenički monasi zajedno sa moštima Svetog kralja Stefana Prvovenčanog. Manastir je tokom Drugog svetskog rata potpuno razoren. Obnavljan je 1991, ali tek od 2006. dolaskom bratstva počinje njegov novi život. Danas se fenečki monasi bave proizvodnjom domaćeg džema, meda, pečenjem rakije, proizvodnjom vina. Uzgajaju stare sorte jabuke, kruške, šljive, a manastir ima i svoju biljnu apoteku, u kojoj monasi prave tinkture i sirupe. Svake nede- lje održava se i mali koncert posle liturgije. Stare srpske pe- sme svira i peva grupa tinejdžera Fenečki biseri . Fenek Monastery UNDER THE PROTECTION OF ST. PETKA The numbers of children in the church of this monastery when the weather is nice and during great holidays could make someone think it is a playroom. Children sit under the icon and play, while there are toys, paints and crayons, but also parents praying for health and love. Fenek Monastery is located near Jakovo, in the municipality of Surčin, 25km from the centre of Belgrade. The monastery church is dedicated to the holy martyr Paraskevi, Saint Petka, part of whose mortal remains are still located there. According to folk belief, the monastery was built in the second half of the 15 th century, founded by Stefan and Angelina Branković. The new church was constructed in the 18 th century. It could also be said that the monastery was a kind of residence for Serbian rul- ers. It was there that Knyaz Aleksa Nenadović and Austrian Emperor Jo- seph II met in 1788. Following the collapse of the First Serbian Uprising in 1813, Karađorđe and his son Aleksa spent a month residing there, and until 1815 it was home to monks of Studenica with the relics of Holy King Stefan the First-Crowned. The monastery was completely destroyed dur- ing World War II and only rebuilt in 1991, but it was only in 2006, with the arrival of the fraternity, that it began its new life. The monks of Fenek are today engaged in the production of home-made jam and honey, bran- dy distillation and wine production. They grow old varieties of apples, pears and plums, while the monastery also has its own herbal pharmacy where the monks make tinctures and syrups. There is also a mini concert here every Sunday after the Liturgy. Old Serbian songs are played and sung by a group of teenagers known as the Fenek pearls.
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