Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up
Glavni kuvar Etihada oborio Ginisov rekord
ETIHAD HEAD CHEF BREAKS GUINNESS WORLD RECORD andžej Takur, kuvar na letovima Etihad ervej - za , oborio je svetski rekord u pripremi i posluživa- nju večere gostima u najvišem popap restoranu na
svetu, smeštenom u isturenoj visokoj bazi na Everestu. Pre toga on je završio napornu misiju stigavši do viso- ke baze i poslužujući hranu na nadmorskoj visini od 5.585 metara. Rekordno dostignuce gospodina Takura proslav- ljeno je na posebnoj ceremoniji u sedištu Etihada . Priho- di su donirani Nesebičnim rukama , humanitarnoj organi- zaciji iz Nepala.
Šta kažete ljudima koji se plaše letenja? – Uvek ih prvo pitam zašto se plaše, a potom im objasnim da nema razloga za strah. Avion je jedno od najbezbednijih sredstava za prevoz putnika i letenje donosi mnogo uzbuđenja i oduševljenja. Zato je moja preporuka da se putnici raduju tom lepom doživljaju. Šta vas najviše uzbuđuje prilikom upravljanja avionom? – Letim dugo, još od 1982. godine. I na početku karijere, a i sad, po- sle toliko godina bavljenja ovim poslom najviše me uzbuđuje sama mo- gućnost upravljanja avionom, mašinom koja je teška više od 70 tona. To je veliki izazov za čoveka, ali i lep osećaj. Povratku kojem aerodromu i pisti se uvek najviše radujete? – Najviše se radujem Beogradu, što zbog povratka kući, što zbog zasluženog odmora posle leta. Drugi razlog je to što sam kući doveo i putnike, koji su jedva čekali povratak u svoju zemlju, što je čest slučaj sad tokom leta, kad naši ljudi iz inostranstva dolaze na odmor u Srbiju.
tihad Airways Inflight Chef, Sanjay Thakur, has bro- ken the world record for creating and serving
dinners to guests at the world’s highest pop-up restaurant, located at the Everest Advanced High Camp. He previously completed the gruelling mission of reaching the high camp, before serving the meal at an altitude of 5,585 metres abo- ve sea level. Mr Thakur’s record-breaking achievements were celebrated at Etihad’s headquarters with a special ceremony, while all proceeds were donated to Nepal-based charity Al- truistic Hands.
Najduže avio-linije na svetu WORLDS LONGEST AVIATION ROUTES
sim što su dugolinijski letovi veoma izazovni u tehnič- kom i operativnom smislu, predstavljaju i dvostruku zamku za komercijalnu upotrebu, piše magazin Travel .
What do you say to people who are scared of flying? - I always first ask them why they’re afraid, after which I explain to them that there’s no reason for fear. Aeroplanes are among the safest forms of transport for passengers and flying brings plenty of thrills and excitement. That’s why I recom- mend that passengers enjoy this beautiful experience. What thrills you the most when it comes to handling a plane? - I’ve been flying for a long time, since 1982. Both at the beginning of my ca- reer and now, after many years doing this job, I’m most excited by the possibility of managing an aeroplane, a machine that weighs in excess of 70 tonnes. That’s a great challenge for a human, but also a nice feeling. Which airport and runway do you enjoy approaching the most? - I most enjoy Belgrade, both due to it being a return home and due to the well-deserved rest after a flight. Another reason is that I’ve also brought home passengers who could hardly wait to return to their own country, which is a common case now during summer, when our people living abroad come on holiday to Serbia.
Prva je njihova isplativost, a druga udobnost putnika. Etiha - dov let Abu Dabi – Los Anđeles nalazi se na listi najdužih le- tova, na mestu broj devet. Najduži let na svetu trenutno je let Katar ervejza od Dohe do Oklanda, dug 9.032 milje. use, reports magazine Travel. The first trap is that of the pro- fitability of such flights, while the other is passenger com- fort. Etihad’s Abu Dhabi-Los Angeles flight is included on the list of the longest flights, ranked ninth. The longest regu- lar flight in the world at present is Qatar Airways’ Doha-Auc- kland route, covering a distance of 14,536 kilometres. A part from the fact that long-haul flights are very challenging in a technical and operational sense, they also represent a double trap for commercial
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