Dodatne usluge koje nudi srpski avio- prevoznik izabrane su posle duge i detaljne analize želja i potreba putnika
The additional services offered by Air Serbia have been selected following long and detailed analysis of the needs and desires of travellers
U avionu
Kada putujete sa kućnim lju- bimcem, nećete biti odvojeni od njega tokom leta. Vaša kuca ili maca će biti odmah tu, po- red vaših nogu, ispod sedišta, udobno smeštena u nosiljci ko- ju ste prethodno sami nabavili. Nosiljka i životinja ne smeju biti teži od osam kilograma. TRAVEL WITH PETS When travelling with a pet, you won’t be separated from them during the flight. Your dog or cat will be right there with you, be- side your feet, under your seat, comfortably placed in the car- ry case that you previously ac- quired. The combined weight of the carry case and animal must not exceed eight kilograms. USLUGE NA LETU Wi-Fly , ručavanje tokom le- ta, sokovi, čaj i kafa, alko- holna pića, obroci i užine. INFLIGHT SERVICES WI-Fly, inflight dining, juices, tea and coffee, alcoholic bever- ages, meals and snacks.
Birajte omiljeno sedište, ono sa više prostora za noge (sedište sa više prostora za noge daje mogućnost da putujete uz veću dozu komfora), prvo do prozora, do biranog saputnika ili u priori- tetnoj zoni (birajući ovo sedište, bićete među prvim gostima koji se iskrcavaju iz aviona). SIT IN YOUR FAVOURITE SEAT Choose your favourite seat, with extra legroom (seats with ex- tra legroom enable you to travel with a higher level of comfort), from window seats, to preferred companions or in priority zones (by selecting these seats you will be among the first to disembark from aircraft).
UNACCOMPANIED CHILDREN In the case that you are unable to travel with your child, Air Serbia can accept them on flights and trans- port them safely to their destina- tion, where they will be awaited by the person you’ve authorised to col- lect them.
Ukoliko niste u mogućnosti da putujete sa svojim mališanom, Er Srbija može da ga prihvati na le- tu i bezbedno preveze do njego- vog odredišta. Tu će dete sačekati osoba koju ste vi ovlastili za pre- uzimanje.
“PRIORITY” LABELLING OF LUGGAGE Your suitcase will be marked with a“Priority”label, ensur- ing that it will be delivered with priority to the baggage re- claim conveyor belt – along with the luggage of business class passengers. Choose the“Priority”service at the price of just four euros! OZNAČAVANJE PRTLJAGA OZNAKOM „PRIORITET“ Vaš kofer biće označen nalepnicom „Prioritet“, što znači da će na traku za isporuku prtljaga biti isporučen sa prioritetom – i to sa torbama put- nika iz više, biznis-klase. Izaberite uslugu „Prio- ritet“ po ceni od samo četiri evra! DOČEK I ASISTENCIJA Iskoristite Meet & Assist uslugu za što prijatnije i jednostavnije putovanje. Ova usluga, koja je u ponu- di na određenim aerodromima, idealna je za starije goste i one koji retko putuju avionom. Predstavnik Er Srbije će biti uz vas tokom obavljanja svih formal- nosti na aerodromu i postaraće se za to da vaš dola- zak, tranzit i/ili odlazak bude podjednako prijatan.
MEET & ASSIST Take advantage of the Meet & Assist service to ensure the easiest and most comfortable journey. This service, which is available at selected airports, is ideal for elderly guests and those who rarely travel by plane. An Air Serbia representa- tive will accompany you through all formal procedures at the airport and ensure that your arrival, transit and/or departure is just as pleasant.
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