vodimo vas u budvu / We’re taking you to Budva
T he story begins with Cadmus, the son of Phoenician King Agenor, the first man to marry a goddess, the daughter of Aries, the god of war, and Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Harmony was given to him, as a mortal, as he was renowned for killing dragons. The wedding ceremony was attended by all the gods of Olympus, and the newly- weds received numerous gifts, among which, unfortunately, was some cursed necklace. All of Cadmus and Harmony’s children died in terrible torment in The- bes in Boeotia, where Cadmus founded a city and named it after his native The- bes in Egypt. Deep into old age, this cou- ple was expelled and travelled by ox cart to the land of Enchele, where they found- ed the new city of Boethoe. They named it after the oxen that had brought them to these lands. Cadmus conquered the neighbouring tribe of Illyrians and be- came their king. The gods turned him in- to a snake, and Harmony volunteered to share his fate. It is said that you can still find their interwoven bodies today in the nearby pomegranate fields. And thus Budva was born, as a city on seafoam, which in the years following this legend of its creation would go on to be- come the scene of turbulent and glorious events, with a history recounted for more than 2,500 years in one of the Adriatic’s old- est urban centres. It was also mentioned by Sophocles in the fifth century BC, calling it “the city of Illyria”, and later – when it fell under the rule of Romans – by Pliny the El- der, though this time as “the fortified city of Roman citizens”. Budva then possessed all the characteristics of a real Roman city, with monumental buildings, paved streets and huge ramparts. It would remain with- in the Roman Empire until it’s final demise. It was then that the Byzantine emper- ors came to power, only for Budva to be- gin to be permanently inhabited by Slav- ic people after the year 841. It was in the 12 th century that the city came under the rule of the Nemanjić dynasty, and during the time of Tsar Dušan (first half of the 14 th century), the “Statute of the City of Bud- va” was created as the first legislative act that would provide Budva with a certain degree of independence. The city later fell under the rule of Venice. It never came un- der Ottoman control, but it did see the ar- rival of Austrians, French and wars... Un- til being permanently liberated in 1944. And all this history is there to be seen in the Old Town. From ancient traces and the spirit of Christianity, to Venetian ruins. Inter- woven streets and squares from late medi- eval times, solid ramparts, with their tow- ers and city gates... Where there are many
odlike pravog rimskog grada, sa mo- numentalnim građevinama, poploča- nim ulicama i masivnim bedemima. U okviru Rimskog carstva ostaće sve do njegovog pada. Preuzeće je tada vizantijski carevi, da bi u Budvi posle 841. godine trajno počeli da se nastanjuju Sloveni. U 12. veku grad pada pod vlast Nemanjića, a u vreme cara Dušana (prva polovi- na 14. veka), nastaje Statut grada Bud- ve, prvi zakonodavni akt koji je Bud- vi obezbeđivao izvesnu samostalnost. Grad će kasnije pasti pod vlast Mleča- na. Nikada neće pasti pod tursku vlast, ali će zato stići Austrijanci, pa Fran- cuzi, pa ratovi… Sve dok 1944. godine ne bude trajno oslobođena. Sva se ova istorija vidi u Starom gradu. I antički tragovi, i duh hrišćan- stva, i ostaci iz doba Venecije. Ispre- pletane uličice i trgovi iz kasnog sred- njeg veka, čvrsti bedemi, njihove kule i gradske kapije... Tu gde se nalaze mno- ge galerije, radnje sa suvenirima, ali i ekskluzivnim brendovima, barovi i re- storani, i gde se miris mora i ribe me- ša sa muzikom. Tokom letnjih meseci, zahvaljujući predstavama, koncertima i izložbama, Stari grad postaje Grad teatar, kako se i zove festival koji od 1987. godine oplemenjuje Budvu i da- je joj posebnu boju i šarm. Ukoliko ste ljubitelj pozorišta, nezaboravne scene i prizori iz predstava koje se igraju pod otvorenim nebom sigurno će vam bi- ti jedno od najlepših sećanja. Tvrđava je prvobitno podignuta na ostrvu nedaleko od obale, a kasnije je prevlakom spojena sa kopnom, tako da je to danas poluostrvo, a u grad može-
te ući na jedna od pet vrata. U okviru Starog grada naći ćete tri crkve. Naj- starija je Crkva Svetog Ivana, sagra- đena u 7. veku. Smatra se da je posve- ćena rođenju Svetog Ivana Krstitelja, a na severnom oltaru čuva se velika svetinja grada Budve, njegova zaštit- nica, ikona Budvanska gospa. Tu je i Santa Maria in Punta – Bogorodična crkva koja je sagrađena 840. godine, i najmlađa od njih – Crkva Svete Troji- ce iz 1804. godine. Na Citadeli se na- laze ostaci temelja Crkve Svete Mari- je, po kojoj tvrđava nosi naziv. Dakle, Budva nije samo najbolje mesto za provod u Crnoj Gori. Ona je mnogo više od toga i čeka da je ot- krijete…
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