Elevate August 2018 | Air Serbia

E uropeans this year voted to declare Crete the most desirable destina- tion for summer holidays in the Mediterranean. Most of them will only discover upon arrival on this“island of the gods”that it is the mythological cradle of the name of their continent. Every guide will explain that Europe was the name of one of the many “mortal lovers” of Zeus, the leader of gods and people, and the god of the heavens and thunder. Crete, the largest Greek island, has been ruled by the Minoans, ancient Greeks, Romans, Dorians, Venetians and Turks, but all of the rulers saw this island as the birth- place of Zeus, the supreme god of Greek mythology, and the island where, accord- ing to legend, the mythical Minotaur lived in a labyrinth. Many monuments have been preserved from the period of the Minoan civilisation, which peaked around 1,500BC. The most impressive example is the Pal- ace of Knossos, which was the best con- structed palace anywhere in Europe pri- or to the Roman era. Alongside a rich history, Crete has a thousand kilometres of coastline, where it offers exquisite beaches, hidden coves and peninsulas along its northern part. The south of the island is today still a se- cretive area for tourists, filled with surpris- es, and enchanting fields of watermelons and numerous orange trees. Crete has a rich tourist offer and offers enjoyment for people with varying tastes. From luxury ho- tels and family accommodation, to camp- sites for those who just want to enjoy the summer, while a magnet for those who en- joy exploring interesting cultural sites is provided by the Minoan palaces of Knos- sos or Phaistos. The best way to familiar- ise yourself with Cretan mythology is to tour the most renowned sites and ruins of ancient cities, which are accompanied by exciting stories and legends.

O ve godine Evropljani su proglasili Krit najpoželj- nijom destinacijom za letovanje na Sredoze- mlju. Većina njih će tek odlaskom na Ostrvo bogova saznati da se tu nalazi i mitološka kolevka imena ko- je nosi njihov kontinent. Svaki vodič će objasniti da je Evropa bilo ime jedne od brojnih smrtnih ljubavni- ca Zevsa, vođe bogova i ljudi, kao i boga neba i gromova. Krit je najveće grčko ostrvo ko- jim su vladali Minojci, stari Grci, Ri- mljani, Dorci, Mlečani i Turci, ali je za sve vladare to bilo ostrvo na ko- jem je rođen Zevs, vrhovni bog, i ostr- vo na kojem je, po legendi, u lavi- rintu živelo mitsko biće Minotaur. Mnogo spomenika je sačuvano od perioda Minojske civilizacije, koja je u zenitu bila 1500. godine p. n. e. Najimpresivnija je palata u Knoso- su, koja je bila raskošnija od bilo ko- je druge izgrađene u Evropi, sve do rimske ere. Osim bogate istorije, Krit na 1.000 kilometara dugoj obali u svom severnom delu nudi prele- pe plaže, skrivene uvale i poluostr- va. Jug je i danas za turiste tajnovit

i pun iznenađenja, a očarava polji- ma lubenica i brojnim stablima po- morandži. Turistička ponuda Krita je bogata i pruža uživanja za različi- te ukuse. Od luksuznih hotela do po- rodičnog smeštaja i kampova za one koji samo žele da uživaju u letu, dok su za istraživače kulturnih znameni- tosti pravi magnet minojske palate u Knososu ili Festosu. Kritska mitolo- gija se najbolje upoznaje obilaskom znamenitih mesta i ruševina starih antičkih gradova, za koje se vezuju Da bi sprečio decu da ga svrgnu s trona, bog vremena, titan Kronos, svoju decu je proterivao. Tako je ura- dio i sa šestorođenim Zevsom, koji je, prema legendi, rođen u Dikteon- skoj pecini, koja se nalazi u istočnom delu ostrva, na planini Lasiti, a maj- ka Rea ga je čuvala u drugoj pećini. Predostrožnost titanova, koji je i sam svrgao oca Urana, pokazala se uza- ludnom. Šesti sin Zevs ga je na kra- ju otrovao, vratio svoju bracu i sestre na Krit i svi su postali novi bogovi i boginje. uzbudljive priče i legende. NEŽELJENI SIN ZEVS

Krit na 1.000 kilometara nudi prelepe plaže i skrivene uvale Crete has a thousand kilometres of coastline, where it offers exquisite

beaches and hidden coves


In order to prevent his children from dethroning him, Cronus the Titan, god of time, expelled his children. This was also the case with his sixth-born son, Zeus, who, according to legend, was born in Crete’s Dikteon Cave, which is located in the east- ern part of the island, on the Lasithi Pla- teau, and his mother, Rhea, sheltered him in another cave. The precautions of Cro- nus, who even dethroned his own father, Uranus, turned out to be in vain. Ultimate- ly, his sixth son, Zeus, poisoned him and brought his brothers and sisters back to Crete, where they all became new gods and goddesses.

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