Elevate August 2018 | Air Serbia


– Obožavam pozorišta i biosko- pe. Poznat sam po tome što na tur- nirima idem sam u bioskop kada mi obaveze to dozvole. Obožavam i pred- stave, ali malo mi je glupo da u po- zorište idem sam. Ali kada stignete u Njujork, pravac Brodvej! To je mo- ja prva preporuka svima. Ukoliko že- lite da se opustite i popričate sa pri- jateljima, izaberite neki ruftop bar sa dobrim pogledom. Flešing se za vreme Ju-Es opena pretvara u veliki vašar pun ljudi. Prilič- no je bučno, što se Lajoviću ne dopada. – Iskreno, najbolje se osećam u Parizu, na Rolan Garosu. Možda za- to što sam tamo ostvario i najbolji re- zultat – podsetio je Duci na činjeni- cu da je tamo igrao u 4. kolu protiv kralja šljake Rafaela Nadala. Mada je Melburn najopušteniji. Dušan obožava da putuje. Iako te- niska sezona traje deset meseci, nije mu teško da u novembru, kada obavi sve obaveze na terenu, ponovo sed- ne u avion i odleti u toplije krajeve. – Kada bih morao da vam u najkra- ćem mogućem formatu opišem svoj život, to bi bile dve putne i jedna teni- ska torba, bez kojih nikuda ne idem. Kada se sve završi i kada u Beogra- du padne prvi sneg, odem na more. Maldivi su jedna od destinacija koje mi najviše prijaju jer tada želim da se odvojim od sveta, da ne gledam lju- de i izležavam se po ceo dan na plaži. Ipak, ako bih morao da biram omiljeni grad, to bi bila Barselona. Tamo mi je baza i tamo se osećam kao kod kuće. Iako je proputovao svet uzduž i popreko, postoji mesto o kojem sanja. – Nikada nisam bio na Novom Zelandu. Nadam se da će se i pečat te države naći u pasošu.

Neverovatno je kad na Vimbldonu igraš protiv Federera. To iskustvo ne mogu rečima da opišem, kaže Lajović Playing against Federer at Wimbledon is really an incredible thing. That experience is tough for me to describe with words, says Lajović

If you want to relax and chat with friends, choose some rooftop bar with a good view. During the U.S. Open, Flushing Meadows turns into a huge fair packed with people. It’s fairly noisy, which La- jović doesn’t like. - Honestly, I feel best in Paris, at Roland-Garros. Perhaps that’s because I also achieved my best result there,”– noted ‘Duci’, referring to the fact that he played there in 4 th round against the king of clay, Rafael Nadal – “although Melbourne is the most relaxed”. Dušan loves to travel. Although the tennis season runs for ten months, he doesn’t find it tough in November, when all his on-court obligations are over, to board a plane again and fly away to warmer climes. - If I had to describe my life in the shortest possible format, that would be: the two travel bags and one ten- nis bag without which I don’t go an- ywhere. When everything’s over and the first snow starts to fall in Belgrade, I go to the seaside. The Maldives are among the destinations I enjoy the most, because it’s then that I want to turn myself off from the world, to not watch people and to lay on the beach all day. However, if I had to choose my favourite city, that would be Barcelo- na. That’s my base and it’s there that I feel at home. Although he’s travelled the length and breadth of the planet, there is a place he dreams of visiting. - I’ve never been to New Zealand. I hope that country’s stamp will also find its place in my passport.

KNJIGA ZA AVION Lajović je čitaocima Elevejta preporučio i literaturu uz koju će im letovi brže proći. – Obožavam knjige iz serijala Stakleni presto . Malo sam za- luđen epskom fantastikom, a upravo čitam ovo štivo i odu- ševljen sam. BOOK FOR THE PLANE Lajović also recommended some literature for Elevate’s readers, to make their flights go faster. - I love the books of the series Throne of Glass. I’m slightly infatuated with epic fantasy, and I’m reading this story right now and am thrilled with it.

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