Elevate July 2017 | Air Serbia

Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up


Is Maximian`s palace in Glac? namo da je Srbija bila deo drevne rimske provincije Panonije, plod-



e know that Serbia was previously part of the ancient

nog regiona na prirodnoj granici koju či- ni reka Dunav, ali novina je da su se srpski i australijski arheolozi ujedinili u nameri da zajedničkim snagama istraže antičku rimsku palatu. Ovaj važan projekat podržala je i kom- panija Er Srbija . O važnosti Srbije za Rim govori i činje- nica da je više careva rođeno u okviru gra- nica moderne Srbije nego u bilo kom dru- gom delu carstva van Italije. Glavni grad Panonije, ujedno i jedan od najvažnijih gra- dova u Rimskom carstvu, bio je Sirmijum (današnja Sremska Mitrovica) na reci Savi.

Roman Pannonia Province, a vital region on the natural border formed by the River Danube. But what is new is that Serb and Australian archaeologists have joined forces in an effort to study the antique Roman palace together. This important project is supported by Air Serbia. A sign of the importance of Serbia

for Rome is that more emperors were born within its modern borders than any other part of the Empire outside Italy. The capital of Pannonia, and one of the most important cities in the Roman Empire, was Sirmium (modern Sremska Mitrovica) on the River Sava. Sremska Mitrovica already boasts significant Roman sites, such as the imperial palace in the modern town, which also covers the only known unexcavated hippodrome (horse racing stadium) from the Roman Empire. During the nineteenth century, as the suburbs of Sremska Mitrovica spread, more and more traces of the ancient Roman city were discovered, including a site near the city at Glac that was identified as a large ancient building, but never properly excavated. It is this site at Glac that the Serbian-Australian team will be investigating, led by Professor Richard Miles from the University of Sydney and Dr Stefan Pop-Lazic from the Serbian Institute of Archaeology. One of the things that makes the site at Glac so exciting is that the team already has a good idea of what they might find. According to Aurelius Victor, a Roman writer from the late fourth century AD, emperor Maximian built a palace in honour of the place of his birth. Aurelius Victor describes Maximian, who ruled as part of the Tetrarchy at the end of the third century, as ‘… fierce by nature, burning with lust, solid in his counsels, of rustic and Pannonian stock.’ He goes on to state that Maximian built a palace close to Sirmium, at the place where his parents had once worked for wages – perhaps as a way of recognising his humble origins, but showing how high this local boy had risen. A number of clues, such as finds of prestigious and expensive fragments of marble, make it likely that Glac was the site of Maximian’s palace, and that is what the Serbian- Australian team are planning to find out. 2017 is just the start of what will be a long partnership between scholars from Australia and Serbia as they seek to uncover the mysteries of ancient Sirmium. The support and interest the Pannonia Project has received so far from Air Serbia and the Australian Serbian community reflects the wonderful potential for projects like this to foster the strong connections that already exist between the two nations.

U Sremskoj Mitrovici postoje značajna rimska arheo- loška nalazišta poput carske palate u današnjem gradu Mi- trovici, koja pokriva i jedini poznati neistraženi hipodrom iz Rimskog carstva. Tokom 19. veka, sa širenjem predgrađa Sremske Mitrovice, otkriveno je još mnogo tragova rim- skog grada, uključujuci i lokaciju u blizini Glaca. Za nju je utvrđeno da pripada velikoj drevnoj građevini, međutim nikada nije propisno istražena. Upravo to nalazište u Gla- cu istraživaće srpsko-australijski tim, sa profesorom Ričar- dom Majlsom sa Univerziteta u Sidneju i dr Stefanom Pop Lazicem sa Instituta za arheologiju Srbije na čelu. Jedna od stvari koje nalazište na Glacu čini tako uz- budljivim jeste i činjenica da tim vec ima jasnu ideju o to- me šta bi na njemu mogao da nađe. Prema Aureliju Vikto- ru, rimskom piscu s kraja četvrtog veka nove ere, imperator Maksimijan je sagradio palatu u čast mesta svog rođenja. Aurelije Viktor opisuje Maksimijana, koji je vladao u okvi- ru Tetrarhije na kraju treceg veka, kao žestokog po priro- di, čoveka koji gori od želje, odlučnog kada izdaje naloge, rustične panonske sorte. On dalje piše da je Maksimijan sagradio palatu blizu Sirmijuma, na mestu gde su njegovi roditelji nekada ra- dili za nadnicu – možda da ovekoveči svoje skromne poreklo, ali i da pokaže koliko visoko se popeo dečak iz ovog kraja. Jedan broj tragova ukazuju na to da je Glac verovatno mesto Maksimijanove palate i upra- vo će to utvrditi srpsko-australijski tim. Ova godina predstavlja tek početak dugogodi­ šnjeg partnerstva između naučnika iz Australije i Sr- bije koji pokušavaju da otkriju tajne drevnog Sirmi- juma. Podrška i zainteresovanost koji su za Projekat Panonija pokazali iz kompanije Er Srbija i srpska za- jednice Australije odražavaju fantasičan potencijal za projekte kao što je ovaj u cilju podsticanja čvrstih ve- za između ova dva naroda.

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