Fotografija / Photography: Aca Matić
Petog juna, u 21 čas, uz Bili Džin Majkla Džeksona, počela je da radi fontana na Slaviji. Zasijalo je 300 re- flektora iz bazena od 800 kvadrata, a ka nebu se vinuo 16 metara visoki mlaz vode. Na stotine Beograđana slikalo je selfi pored novog simbola grada. I danas, mesec dana pošto je zvanično počela da radi, kod fonta- ne se svaki dan napravi poneka sli- ka za pamćenje. Ova koju gledate de- lo je fotografa Ace Matića, snimljena je sa krova hotela Slavija, a Aca kaže da mu je drago što su fotografi dobili novu inspiraciju za još lepše fotogra- fije Beograda koje će poslati u svet. Dođite i vi da napravite sliku za pamćenje na ovom mestu! Možete i na zimu, jer fontana ima grejače i sve do minus 20 normalno radi. I sve to uz muziku!
On 5 th June at 9pm, to the music of Michael Jackson’s“Billie Jean”, the new fountain on Slavi- ja Square started functioning. Some 300 spot- lights shone from a pool measuring 800 square metres, while a jet of water soared 16 metres high into the sky, prompting hundreds of Bel- graders to shoot selfies next to this new symbol of the city. And today, a month after it officially started operating, some keepsake pictures are shot beside the fountain every day. The image you are looking at is the work of photographer Aca Matić, shot from the roof of the Hotel Slavi- ja, and Aca says he is pleased that photogra- phers have received a new point of inspiration for even more beautiful pictures of Belgrade to be shot and sent out into the world. Come and shoot your own image to re- member in this place! You can also do so in winter, because the fountain has heaters and functions normally to a temperature of minus 20. And all of that with music!
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