Elevate July 2017 | Air Serbia

Na putu / On the road


ŠTA VOLIŠ U BEOGRADU? Najviše volim Dorćol i Balkansku ulicu. Tu sam se kao devojka spremala za fakultet, za glumu. Posle toga sam tu i živela, maštala sam o tome da će me Vesna Dedić jednog dana pozvati u svoju emisiju. I eto, danas moj muž drži restoran baš u toj ulici. Vezana sam i za Zvezdaru, tamo živimo. WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN BELGRADE? I most love Dorćol and Balkanska Street. As a girl it was there that I prepared for college, for acting. After that I also lived there, and I fantasised about Ve- sna Dedić one day inviting me onto her show. And at it turns out, today my husband has a restaurant in that very street. I’m also connected to Zvezdara, which is where we live.

KUDA VOLIŠ DA PUTUJEŠ? Svuda i uvek. Mnoga mi se mesta sviđaju na ovoj našoj planeti – Lisabon, Španija, Meksiko, Kuba... Ali, iznad svega – Italija. Tamo mi je svuda lepo, i u velikom gradu, i u malom mestu, mogu da se še- tam, da sedim, da vozim... Bilo šta. Inače, relativ- no kasno sam počela da putujem. Prvi put sam u avion ušla kad sam bila na fakultetu. Moji rodite- lji su nas stalno vodili u Grčku, naravno automo- bilom. Zime smo provodili na Kopaoniku, jer ma- mina banka tamo ima odmaralište. I to je bilo to, srpski raj, šta ćeš više! WHERE DO YOU LIKE TRAVELLING TO?

Tekst / Words: Katarina Sretenović Fotografije / Photography: Mitar Mitrović

Sve što imam! Nikad mi nije dovoljno veliki kofer, treba mi nešto udobno preko dana, pa garderoba za slikanje, a uveče mo- ram lepše da se obučem za večere. U ruč- nom prtljagu uvek imam neku igračku za sina Jakšu, sredstva za dezinfek-

ciju, konac za zube i lepezu. I ne- seser! Bez pudera ne mogu da ži- vim. Mislim da svi zajedno treba da izdržavamo čoveka koji je iz- mislio tečni puder. I ne samo njega već i njegovu i bližu i da- lju rodbinu. Nek ih bog poživi. Uvek nosim i zdrave grickalice, bademe, čokoladice bez glute- na, presovano voće sa žitarica- ma... I da, uvek kad idem na put, u strahu sam da ću izgubiti nov- čanik. Zato lovu uvek raspore- dim na nekoliko mesta.

Everywhere and always. There are a lot of places that I like on this planet of ours – Lisbon, Spain, Mexico, Cu- ba etc., but above all Italy. There I find everything pretty, in both

big cities and small towns, whe- re I can walk, sit, drive ... whate- ver I want. I actually started tra- velling relatively late. The first time

Everything I own! My suitcase is nev- er big enough, because, you know, I need some- thing comfortable during the day, I need a ward- robe for photographing, and in the evening I have to dress nicer for dinner. In my hand luggage I always have some toy for my son Jakša, disinfectant cleans- er, dental floss and a fan. There is also an obligatory vanity case! I can’t live without foundation. I think we all need to financially support the man who invented liquid foundation. And not only him, but also his close and distant relatives. Let God revive them. Since I started taking care of my diet, I al- so always carry healthy snacks with me, like al- monds, gluten-free chocolate, dried fruits with cereals ... And yes, whenever I go on the road I’m afraid I will lose my wallet. That’s why I always place my money in several dif- ferent places.

I boarded a plane was when I was in colle- ge. My parents always took us to Greece, tho- ugh of course by car. We spent our winters on Kopaonik, because the bank where my mother wor- ked had a resort there. And that was that, Serbian he- aven, what mo- re could you want?!

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