Velike priče iz Srbije / Great tales from Serbia
– Kosim, evo, već devetu godinu. A prvo me je neko pozvao da budem vodonoša – seća se Nenad Radivo- jević (27) iz Slavkovice. Kaže, išao je tada od kosača do kosača, gledao ko je žedan, pa ga nu- dio vodom iz zemljane testije. – Posle rekoh sebi: „Ajd’ da pro- bam da kosim“, ali samo u revijal- nom delu. Tu mi je lepše. Nosim kož- ne opanke, čarape vunene sa vezom na vrhu, kaiševe koji idu oko članka i savijaju se oko čarape, lakovani su. Nosim bele pantalone, tako su pre ljudi nosili zbog sunca kad rade, a ne one zelene, čojane. Kosači obič- no puste košulju da pada preko bu- tina, da im onako ide pojas preko nje, ne upasuje se. Da bi bila lepša, ima vez oko vrata i na rukavima – nastavlja on. Kaže i da kosci uglavnom nose šešire, ali da on voli šajkaču, tradi- cionalnu šumadijsku kapu. – Gore imam jelek, a još za poja- som peškir, isto vezeni. To nije peškir kao peškir, nego na kraju ima čipku i vez - kaže Nenad. Nije mu teško da kosi, nije to kao kod kuće, kad radiš ceo dan, pa se umoriš. – Kreneš malo s košenjem, pa staneš, pa naoštriš kosu. Vodonoša donese vodu, malo popiješ, pa opet nastaviš – kaže on.
This year
fair and mowing on Rajac will take place from 14th to 16th July
đidija, as the one who mows most beau- tifully and has the prettiest costume, and who was watched the most by the women. - I’ve been mowing, here, for nine years already. And at first someone invited me to be a watercarrier - recalls Nenad Radivo- jević (27) from Slavkovica. He says that he went from mower to mower, seeing who was thirsty, then offering them water from earthen jugs. - After I said to myself “let’s try mowing”, but I was only in the review part. I prefer it there. I wear leather opanak sandals, woollen socks with embroidery at the top, straps that go around the ankle and wind around the socks, which are lac- quered. I wear white trousers, which peo- ple used to wear because of the sun when they work, and not those green čojane trou- sers. Mowers usually leave their shirts to fall over the thighs, then place their belt over the top of that, rather than tucking them in. To be prettier, they have embroi- dery around the neck and on the sleeves - continuous. He also says that mowers generally wear hats, but he likes the šajkača, the tra- ditional cap of the Šumadija region. - Above I have a waistcoat, and also a towel in my belt, also embroidered. That’s not a towel like a towel, but rather has lace and embroidery at the ends. He doesn’t find it tough to mow, but it’s not like at home when you work all day, so you get tired. - You start mowing a little, then stop, then sharpen your scythe. The watercarri- er brings water, so you drink a little, and then you continue again. The most beautiful part is at the end. Lunch-carriers, women who are called golden hands, serve traditional home- made dishes on rugs and sheets spread out on the ground. And then the smell of cheese pie, cheeses, curd cream and ham mixes with the scent of freshly cut grass. And the old greeter, grandfather Mi- lojko, no longer goes to the mowing, as he is almost 80. But then there are Nenad and Slobodan to preserve the memory of the mob and maintain these festivities from their mountain, which have endured, here, for a hundred and twenty-five years.
Ove godine vašar i kosidba na Rajcu održavaju se od 14. do 16. jula
Najlepše je na kraju. Ručkono- še, žene koje zovu još i „zlatne ruke“, služe tradicionalna domaća jela na ćilimima i čaršavima prostrtim po zemlji. I onda se miris gibanice, si- ra, kajmaka i pršute pomeša sa mi- risom tek pokošene trave. A stari zdravičar deda Milojko više ne ide na kosidbu, skoro mu je 80 godina. Zato su tu Nenad i Slo- bodan da drže sećanje na mobu i ču- vaju ovu svetkovinu s njihove pla- nine, koja traje, evo, 125 godina.
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